
What can i take to reduce nausea?

by  |  earlier

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i'm 9 weeks pregnant and have had nausea since week 4!! and it lasts all day, i don't actually throw up but the feeling is like always there. i told my doc and he said that it's a part of pregnancy and unless you are actually being sick they can't do anything...

so i was just wondering if there is any medicine or vitamins etc that i can take to help. i don't think i can last another day, i am so fed up of this!!! :(

thanks for any help =D




  1. I was the same way until 5 months. I would wake up and eat crackers before getting out of bed, that seemed to help me a lot. Also drinking a lot of water and snacking little at a time rather then having big meals worked for me too. They also sell pops that help a little not to much though. Just take everything slow, because i know when i did anything fast that's when i felt the worst. Good luck just remember it wont last for ever and it's well worth it! :)

  2. I had the exact same thing.  I found that a glass of milk first thing in the morning helped me and a friend told me that flat coke helped (never tried that one though).

    It is horrible but it normally goes away when you enter your 2nd term. Good luck and congrats.

  3. Use Preggie Pops! They are hard candies that take away the nausea. Also, keep some saltine crackers by your bed in the morning, and eat them before getting up - my nurse said that this really helps a lot of people.

    One thing I found to help out was drinking some type of carbonated beverage - like Sprite or Ginger Ale (just not Verners, too much sugar).  

  4. I found that nibbling ginger biscuits really helped the nausea.  Also, there are some special bands that you can buy from the chemist (sea-bands I think they are called) that put pressure on a certain point on your wrist and they work really well.  Both methods mean your chemical free as well!

  5. Ginger helps, but it has to be real ginger, not ginger flavor, like in most ginger ales.  There are some ginger ales which have real ginger.  You usually can find them at natural food stores.  Ginger tea, pickled ginger, and real ginger candy also work.  I sucked on these chewy ginger candies by "The Ginger People" a lot during the first weeks of my preg.  Also, I found that if I ate frequently, it helped, which may sound contrary to what you'd think.  If I ate a little bit throughout the day, always eating before I'd get really hungry, I'd have a much less nauseous day than if I ate less frequently.  

  6. isnt it the worse feeling ever!! grrrrrrr.

    I'm ust about getting rid of it now at 15weeks but its taking its time....and its doing my head in!

    you cant do much babe, try eating digestives biscuits (if you hate ginger) - that helped me a little. unfortually, i've been sick a few times so pretty nasty! You might just be lucky :)

    congratulations anyways :) x*x

  7. Eat ginger, really it helps alot with Nausea. I had it when I was pregnant, and I ate little pieces of ginger and it helped.  

  8. you can ask your doctor to put you on a vitamin B6 and antihistamine combo... its totally safe during pregnancy and it works wonders. i have hyperemisis and even at 37 weeks i still take this religiously otherwise i would still be having morning sickness... since you aren't actually vomiting i don't know what else they can give you for me i had to take Zofran and Reglan which are normally prescribed to chemo patients to reduce nausea. you could also ask about one of those...

    also there is something called preggie pops ther have drops and suckers and they come in all different flavors including ginger and they can also help.

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