
What can i teach in 20 minutes? Any ideas? Please help!?

by  |  earlier

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I have less than a week to think about ANY subject of my choice.

I am aiming to pass my Trainers Training qualification and have been told i have to teach 9 people a subject. I am to use visual aids if i wish and flip chart, lectures etc.

At the end i have to make sure they have learnt it aswell by getting them to do questionaires, quizzes etc.

Im okay with that bit but am stuck on a subject choice.

Do you have any ideas i could try, and if so they must be achievable!

Thanks so much for your help.





  1. Are these people adults or children?

    Ok how about teaching them how to set a proper table for a dinner party of say 8 people, you can use all your visual aids which will be easy to come by.

    If their kids, teach them how to plant a carrot and to care for it, or how to grow a vine from a sweet potato. or teach them how a catapiller grows into a butter-fly.

  2. what does this have to do with Special Ed?  this sounds like a general ed question to me...

  3. I am not sure where your personal talents lie, but how about an artist goal?  Teach the group how to draw a specific cartoon character, using simple shapes and large visual boards.  Or perhaps you could teach about a certain historical figure.  If you enjoy music you could teach the group about a certain composer that you enjoy; bringing samples of the music of the artist.  That would work with a specific writer that you are passionate about as well.  Well, Good luck.

  4. What age group?  Who is your audience?


    Powerpoint not only helps with the visual aid part of the presentation, but it takes some nervous "edge" off for the speaker by giving the audience something to concentrate on other than your choice of shoes and makeup, lol...

    If you only have 20 min, get to the point -- try to cut out as many confusing parts as possible, don't drag on w/ long sentences - straight and to the point. Drive home the things you want them to remember - it might be helpful to give them a lil refresher at the very end with this sentence....

    "So remember, _____ and _________ etc"

    As for subject matter I would choose verifying if a source is reliable or not from the internet. that is an easy subject! You could have key identifyers as to why a source would be unreliable:

    1. no current date of the website

    2. no author listed on site

    3. out dated links

    4. slanted POV - political affiliation, sounds more like personal opinion than facts, etc.

    Good luck, you're going to pass! :)

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