
What can i use around my house for smoking weed?

by  |  earlier

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im a begginer smoker i supose and i've only smoked with friends stuff. what can i use that wont waste weed and will get me stoned off my ***




  1. cans are the easiest

  2. use a shoot.

    take a water bottle and cut a little less than half off the bottom.

    take a plastic bag and tape it around the bottle.

    tape the bottom of the bag together so you can get a good grip on it.

    make sure it is air tight.

    take some tinfoil and make a bowl ontop of the bottle (you can burn a hole in the bottle lid or not use the lid at all)

    poke holes in it.

    hold the bottle inbetween your knees and while your lighting the weed slowly pull the bag down.

    if its make right the bottle will fill up with smoke.

    then you take the bowl off and suck in all the smoke.

    it's hard on your throat after a while, but you don't taste it and if it's really good it will get you f*cked.

  3. Your cranium because obviously you aren't using it.

  4. you can use an empty soda or water bottle.make sure u put a little water at the bottom. put foil on the top where the cap goes, and tie a rubber band around it. Then in the side stick a empty pen (make sure you take out the ink and stuff). This will be the part that you suck the smoke out from. It helps if you take a lighter and kinda make the side where ur gonna stick the pen thru warm. this way its easier to get the pen thru. once ur finish put the weed on top of the foil and light it. have fun. WEED SHOULD BE A LEGAL DRUG!!

    I forgot to tell you to poke a couple of holes in the foil so that the smoke can get thru.

  5. don't smoke weed, its ******* stupid.  

  6. ummmm just stop smoking the weed its gross

  7. It's illegal.  People probably were terrorized or blood was spilled over that weed when it first "made its way" to your tiny ounce bag.  That should be enough reason not to smoke it.  OR you could want to be a law abiding citizen like the rest of us.  No, wait,  Get caught with it and then get arrested and then I will pay taxes to pay for your jail cell and court appearances!  Don't be a loser.  You've got to be smarter than that.

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