
What can i use as a substitute ear gauge?

by  |  earlier

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One of my size 10 gauges has disappeared, so what can i put in my ear to hold its place til i get a chance to go and buy another one?

And after that, what size would you recommend getting till they start to look a little ridiculous on a girl? Girls, what size did you stop at?




  1. Stop now.....gross.

  2. when i first started stretching i used the center part of a q-tip(only the plastic ones) then i used stirring straws from different gas stations because they come in all different sizes...i used them until i got 4 when i actually put plugs in. and thats where i stopped. i just recently took them out after having them for 6 years and my ears are almost back to normal.

  3. try rolling up a piece of paper and putting it through.

    and i've stopped guaging mine at a 4.

  4. Man I don't know what you could stick in there. If you have several hoop earrings you could a few in there to hold it.

    I stopped at a 2, which is about the size of a straw, but I would go to a double 0 if I ever felt like going through the stretching again. The bigger you get the worse it hurts in my experience. Of course I had mine tapered rather than stretching them gradually. But anyway, a 2 isn't extremely noticable in my opinion so its a good size for a chick.

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