
What can i use for rat beding?

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my parents are going away for 3 days and i can't get to the store to get rat beding and i don't know what to use that my rat won't choke on




  1. shredded newspaper?

  2. get some paper towels or blank sheets of paper and rip it all up!

    some people dont even bother ripping, they just chuck in lots of paper and the rats have a lovely time shredding it all. you could do that too, your ratties can have something extra to do.

    you should avoid newspaper because some contain inks that can be toxic.

    you could also use sheets of fabric like fleece. every few days just take it out and give it a wash then place it back in.

    dont use cotton, because it can get stuck in their feet and they can also choke on it.

  3. shedded paper or newspaper... only use soy based ink newspaper thought

  4. wood chips, but NEVER cedar!  it hurts their lungs!

  5. when i got my hamster they told me to use shreded news paper and i did but then i went to petland something like this>>

  6. maybe a pillowcase or two. fold it up and and put it in a box. if he doesn't want to stay in the box, then put some food or something in there. so when you're ready for him to go to sleep, he'll stay.

  7. DO not use newspaper!  If the rat chews on/eats the paper the ink is NOT good for him!

    Use shredded toilet paper/paper towels or blank paper.  Don't use anything with dyes or ink in it.

  8. dont use wood chips because despite the size, there is a chance that there might be dust and can cause a respitory infection and the ink in newspaper is toxic to them. i recomend and old t-shirt put on the bottom of their cage.

  9. If you cannot use a commercial brand, use a LOT of shredded paper, and change it every day.

  10. try using wood bit's or shredded news paper

    or toilet paper

  11. There's quite a few things you can use. You can use litter, however this is not recommended, because then the rat can become confused on what is the potty and what is his living space. You can use shredded newspaper, paper towels, or other recycled paper. What rats like to nest in is shredded fabric. So if you have any old towels, shirts, etc. lying around, that would be helpful. If you have any old stuffed animals or pillows, you could take the stuffing out and put it in there. That's all I have for now. Good luck! Hope this helps!

  12. stick an old t-shirt in there. he's gonna p**p on it and chew it up so make sure its one your ok with throwing out

  13. Shredded newspaper, cotton balls, mulch, ripped up toilette paper

  14. little wood chips.

  15. Old clothes, plain paper towels, fleece, towels, newspaper printed with soy ink.

  16. Cut a piece of fleece or jean into strips and offer it as a warm bedding.

    Then offer a whole role of paper towels for them to shred. Fun, economical, clean, and no ink stains on their fur.

  17. newspaper shredded up, maybe

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