
What can i use or buy for my little dogs bad breath?

by Guest59248  |  earlier

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What can i use or buy for my little dogs bad breath?




  1. brush its teeth (:

  2. Greenies is a dental treat for dogs (and cats) and works amazingly! I've never seen a dog refuse one, and they're effective in keeping mouths clean.

    You can get a free sample at

    Also, you can find a variety of different dental treats, and even doggie toothbrushes and toothpaste, at any local pet store so that your dog's pearly whites will look and smell great.

  3. At nearly every local pet store there are such things a doggie mints, i give them to all of my puppies to get rid of their terrible breath. They are usualy at the checkout counter and they are in a small box or tin can, like an altoids box. Also, I have heard that feeding your dogs regular bread without anything on it can ged rid of the stench. But, i dont know if it works or not. Good luck.

  4. The dog may have a bad tooth.You should take it to the vet and get it's teeth cleaned and if the dog has any bad ones,the vet will pull them.Infected teeth can affect your dog's kidneys and heart,as the bacteria spreads throughout the body.

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