
What can i wear so a sixth drade boy will like me?

by  |  earlier

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no mini skirts or skirts




  1. There is nothing you can do to make a sixth drade boy like you.  Either he does, or he doesn't.

  2. something classy but still showing key areas like ur shoulders and legs...not too much also depends on ur age..sixth grade???

  3. go naked.

    wtf.go back to school little kid. cant even spell grade.


  4. i remember when i went to my sixth grade dance.Now I'mam in eighth.Well don't wear anything to fancy because everyone is going to wear jeans and shirts and stuff like normally what you would wear to school.When you go to eighth grade is when you dress fancy.Ummmmmm...... i would suggest wearing jeans with a layered tanktop with a little zippered sweatshirt

  5. why not trying to be smart

    you dumbass


    sixth drade?

  6. How old are you?


    Learn how to spell first, kid.

  7. well im in 7th so i know what to do. You need to wear clothes from good brands, meaning no wal mart! Aeropostale, limited too, hollister, and ae have great clothes. If you can't exactly go 2 those stores kmart has some cute things at the moment and sometimes sears does.also don't look like a s**t and definetly don't wear lots of make-up. try as hard as you can 2 make it look like your wearing no makeup at all. ANd u can't hide in a corner and hope the boy is gonna like u. Talk 2 him and joke around get 2 b friends and stuff like tht. good luck =)

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