
What can i work as?

by  |  earlier

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im going to see my firend in germany, and i want to work over there for a bit so what can i work as, i cant speak german so...

she lives in dortmund




  1. a waiter

  2. I do have to concur with Hilmar in that it is necessary to remind people the importance of having the proper papers to work there. Many do not know it and just think they can move and start working. It is not that simple.

    McDonald's would also require you to speak German.

    IMO I would do your best to learn as much German as you can before you go. I am sure your GF will help you, mine did.  I taught private lessons of English to Germans. Mostly students and adults seeking jobs that require English and they need a brush up.  Now I did not speak German well of course but I was able to correct their English well enough that they passed their exams and such.

    I did this for four months privately and made enough each week to help support my stay there, but not the whole stay!!

    If you want permanent work there speaking is a must and unless self employed you have to show why you are needed over a local.

    You can get one but you have to apply first.  I would not use McDonalds if you do not have too lol. I would rather work at a Doener shop or Bratwurst stand first I think lol or wash dishes. At least when being yelled at I would not really know what is being said lol.

    Good luck

    @Alwin - no worries, I know you mean no wrong, its just being a traveller there so much I know how important it is to remind people to do that lol

  3. try McDonald, they take everyone.

  4. First of all if you are a non EU citizen you will need to apply for a 'Work Visa' which is not easy to get.

    I do hope you are aware of that.

    If you are British citizen you will have the legal right to work in Germany since both countries are EU.

    Still you will need to speak at least some basic German.

    @Alwin If you look at the kind of questions and a lot of answers on here it is very necessary to my opinion to remind people of what I said.

    Also I don't need a lesson what to answer!

    And most of all this is still free speech I don't tell you either what you are allowed to post or not!!!

    BTW  I gave you a thumb up as I do to most of your Answers.

    @@Alwin  The fact that I hold both German and French citizenship doesn't make me feel less native than you :-)

    @thumbs down  I missed my personal troll already lol :-)

    EDIT to the clown who gives thumbs down here neither answer of Alwin nor me deserves to get a thumb down !

  5. papa's proposal wasn't that bad; you can do a "McJob" anywhere, and your knowledge of English will be appreciated, but you MUST speak some rudimentary German. -- When I was a student, I did lots of wallpapering / painting jobs for "friends"*, or computer repairs and such things. It depends on your personal skills what you can do, but there's one thing that's always appreciated over here: Proofreading English texts for students. You're a native speaker, so first go to Dortmund university and distribute papers all around their blackboards: "American English native speaker will proofread any text, any subject. Call [phone number] for details". You'll even make friends that way.

    *: I remember working together with an American exchange student on a weekend job; it was great fun and good money!


    @Hilmar, please don't add a lesson about German working laws, a "Aufenthaltserlaubnis" and eine "Arbeitserlaubnis". I think everyone knows that illegal work is, well: illegal. :o)


    @Hilmar and Wulf, I appreciate you both for correcting me, as I am a native German who not always stuck to the rules, and should have learned his lesson. I do not encourage anyone to work here without a legal immigrant pass and a working permit; still, truth be spoken, it is possible to do so.

  6. unless you have been here before and have gone through 3 years of apprenticeship for any type of probably won´t be able to get one
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