
What can i write for a short story? (max, 6 pages)?

by  |  earlier

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help me it needs to be in by the end of summer holidays!




  1. Dunno but a few pointers:

    - Don't use much dialogue unless the whole thing is basically a conversation. It slows down the progress of the story.

    - Choose something very simple, not with multi strands

    - Create a strong character and focus on them

  2. here's a link to a site that helps and inspires you to write short stories. it's fun, there's loads of exercises to get you started. good luck.

  3. A good fantasy short story narrated by yourself like Peter Pan adventures, Eragon, or mythological one.

  4. You might get some Inspiration from reading a Magazine or Newspaper?

    A word of advice don't cram to many ideas into one 'Short Story' it isn't called a 'Short' Story for nothing.

    So you better pick one subject, not some complicated story-line with multiple characters. You might consider using a 'Newspaper like title' and write only about one little subject and stick with it.

    For example 'The walk in the park' keep it simple.  

    For more inspiration on writing you can have a look at my Writing Blogspot at:

    All the Best,

    To your Happy - Writing - Inspiration,


  5. All summer long Cherry has put off an assignment she knows is coming due. She idles away the time answering questionnaires, enterign contests, and watering her mother's begonias. Then, before she knows it, she is having so much friend on the beach, in the mountains, by the lake, in the city, and playing board games with her best friend. At the end of every satisfying day she thinks that what she has done that day is perfect data for the assignment she has to complete, but then she gets up the next day and enjoyable things start to happen again and the cycle repeats itself. Finally the last week approaches and she discovers that she has won $10,000 in a contest, but she has to spend it in the next week. What to do?

    Fill in with heart-rending details. Imply a romance with a boy with bad habits that sweet little Cherry meets at the mountains, by the lake. Don't resolve the issue of what she does to fix her problem, though. Use your dilemma to feed the fiction.

  6. A group of friends go on a trip together. And there is an accident, say someone falls down a hole and breaks their back. And its the story on how they help him and how his life is changed etc etc

    And why not write about the struggles of a teenage girl is is bullied at high school and no one will listen to her until a new teacher arrives and gives her true inspiration to write or sing  etc etc....

    Sorry if u dont like my ideas

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