
What can i write on refrigeration?

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I have to write a paper for physics on refrigeration...what should i mention or make my paper about?




  1. I'm from a rural area, so keep that in mind in my answer.  Don't know where you are, so don't know if this will be helpful.

    Here in Missouri, I live in a town with 2 nearby refrigeration factories.  They make the coils and parts for all kinds of types refrigeration units. It might be make a very unique paper to find yourself a nearby factory and go interview the people who actually make the mechanical parts.  You can weave in the physics aspect all the while learning behind-the-scene stuff you won't necessarily find in your average library.

  2. the history of...

    the development of...

    scientific uses of....

    most efficient methods of...

    alternative methods of....

  3. Well, this is one h**l of a big topic with a lot of things to talk about my friend.

    The second law of thermodynamics forbids the spontaneous flow of heat energy from a cold reservoir to a hot reservoir. Entropy was first suggested by Clausius in 1850 following the formulations of Carnott in the 1830's; Later developments by Boltzmann, Plank,Curie, Siemens, Thompson... gave solid foundations of refrigeration on the second law of thermodynamics. You must use energy to do refrigeration.

    The Coeeficient of Performance (COP) is the measure of the theoritical maximum efficiency that refrigeration can be done between given cold reservoir temperature (Tc) and Hot reservoir Temperature (Th); this is the inverse of the Carnott max effiiciency for heat engines.

    COP = Th / (Th - Tc)

    Units of refrigeration are normally measured in Tons of refrigeration (TR) equivalent to 3.51 kWh

    Types of refrigeration are various; including Vapour compression cycles, heat pump, reciprocating, s***w, absorption, adsoption, mechanical....

    First wide scale commercial success of AC and chillers was done by Carrier. Many other people have other developments.

    The internet has a lot of info relating to refrigeration; try googling 'refrigeration'.

    I hope this helps

    Good luck.

  4. you could easily fill a few pages on how refrigeration works.  compressors, condensors, refrigeration liquids, the blowers and motors.  

    The way refrigeration works is extremely interesting.

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