
What can it be has this happen to anyone ...plz read ..?

by Guest63736  |  earlier

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ok I'm 3 days late on af last period was august 3 i have a few symptoms but then i get them during my af also am usually really regular 27 or 28 days .i went to my doctor for blood work already but i don`t get the results until a few days .but i done a couple of urine test and BFN i tested with dollar tree test with equate brand and ept one of the dollar tree ones came out with a really faint line but i don't know if it was a evaporation line is has no color to it but u can see it with a day light i also have lots of white ewcm my cervix has been high and soft i have light cramps on my left side then later on the right .has this happen to anyone but still got positive on blood work ...thank u for reading this rude answers plz ..

i posted this on trying to conceive but didn't get much answers thank u for reading ....




  1. I am currently 4 months pregnant.  I took a home test on my 2nd, 3rd, and 4th day late.  I got negative results until the 4th day after my period was due.  I also had cramps and bloating for about 3 weeks after I found out I was pregnant.  Some tests say they can work before your period is even due but that doesn't mean they will for sure.  I used EPT for all my tests and still took until the fourth day.  If your periods are usually normal and you are now 3 days late, I think there could be a good chance you are pregnant. Good luck!  I know how hard it is not being able to wait to know!

  2. Honey you are pregnant! congratulations!  The thin pink line you see is a positive result. The same thing happened to me and I took the home pregnancy test twice because I hoped the test was malfunctioning. Go to your doctor and make sure you get the blood work just to see if everything is alright. Good Luck!

  3. i got a couple false negatives on this pregnancy with urine tests, and my blood work came out positive,

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