
What can lead us to a dystopia in the future?

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any current issues like global warming?




  1. Overpopulation

    Water shortage

    Republican policies (i.e. tax cuts for the rich)

    Oil shortage

  2. Sure, the fact that AGW is being treated as a solved science will eventually lead to a drastic reduction in our current life styles. The proposed taxes and solutions will reduce living standards while accomplishing nothing.

    Current examples: Biofuels - The mandate to use biofuels has created inflation among food and gas. IN additional, all sectors will see inflationary pressure due to this poorly thought out policy. It is also currently leading to riots and will ultimately lead to the death of many due to starvation.

    Also, the spread of socialism and communism will crush our freedoms, and cause the death of millions (as it has time and time again throughout history).

    Our lack of vision in dealing with terrorist. What happens when a nuke goes off in a major city?

    Lack of planning by our elected officials. In our area, we experienced a drought for about 4 months. But because of our inept politicians, the effects of the drought lasted for a bout a year. Poor planning.

    The ambivalence of the majority of the population. While the government increasingly strips us of our freedoms, many sit around and buy into the ideas because in the short term it helps them, but in the long run, they to will realize the freedoms they have relinquished for a perceived (but not achieved) security.

  3. From the standpoint of someone living in the U.S.,

    if we allowed censorship of scientists,

    failed to convince China and India to jion us in addressing global warming,

    allowed politicians to accept money from corporations in exchange for favors,

    had political leadership that misled the public to enter a war (to the benefit of former employers and associates),

    allowed a leader to declare war without the involvment of congress,

    had surveillance without warrants,

    had arrests without charges,

    had jailings without trials

    had torture in violation of international law

    harbored fugitives wanted for violations of international law,

    if protracted droughts started to cause war,

    if food riots started occuring in several nations,

    if food riots toppled governments,

    if the U.S. military started running war games simulating putting down unrest in U.S. cities

    if the Posse Comitatus Act banning deployment of U.S. troops on U.S. soil against U.S. citizens was quietly overturned,

    if the U.S. quietly signed a treaty with Canada to get their military help putting down unrest in the U.S.

    If the Pentagon started studying scenarios for global anarchy as soon as 2020,

    and if our efforts to address the underlying causes were hobbled by 54% of all federal income tax dollars going to military spending,

    and if citizens were far more interested in the voting for the outcome of American Idol than in the American presidency or the loss of their civil rights,

    I'd say we were well on our way!

    On the other hand, all of this has already happened, so maybe we're already there, but we just don't quite recognize it yet?

    P.S.- If I go missing tomorrow, send postcards to me at Guantanamo Bay.  I don't know if free speech is still legal!

  4. Global Domination each nation has a turn attitude.

    Abolish War through unarmed peace march.

    Die for Peace.

    Citizen ownership of energy and natural reaources.

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