
What can motivate me to keep a 3.5gpa all of high school?

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What can motivate me to keep a 3.5gpa all of high school?




  1. Your future should motivate you enough to do well at everything in life.  Think about scholarship opportunities...The less tuition you have to pay, the better. Plus if you retain your highschool knowledge well you can possibly CLEP some college courses like freshman composition and algebra, which will shorten your graduation time.    

  2. The desire to keep a 3.5 gpa and to reap the rewards that come with it.

    Seriously.  Why do you want to keep a 3.5?  What will it qualify you for?  Write those down, find pictures of whatever those rewards are, and keep them where you can see them.  Pin them up above your desk at home, slide them in the cover of your binders, tape them up in your locker.  Then, whenever you feel like slacking, take a look at them and strengthen your resolve.

    This is how to motivate yourself, both now and later in life.  Believe me, learning it now is a whole lot easier than struggling through it later.

  3. getting into a good college

    getting a good job

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