
What can my 12 year old sister do to grow taller?

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She had an early growth spurt at grade 5 and shes only 5". She's really worried about her height and how people might make fun of her in high school.




  1. grade 5 and just 5 inches ? i hope you are not mistaken coz if she is really just 5 inches the eyes of the world will focus on her she can be a star and earn a lot of money .... u do mean this ( " ) right it is a sign of an inch ..... or what you mean is this ( ' ) a sign for feet .

    Do you know how tall is 5 inches its just about the height of a coca_cola can lol ....amazing , you should call the guiness books of world record though

  2. I think your sister is worrying waay too much. at her age, she is most likely taller than most of her peers. I am 15 years old, and i am 4"9. Take it from me, she shouldnt be worrying about it.

  3. Tell her to drink lots of milk.  It has calcium in it, which will lead to stronger bones and also increased height.

  4. she has to wait. She will have another growth spurt. There is nothing she can do but wait

  5. Her height is determined by genetics.  She needs to eat properly in order to get all the vitamins and minerals needed for healthy growth.  My older sister is long past growing stages (in her 40s) and is only 5' however all through high school and even into her twenties she got into the movies, amusement parks for child's prices.  It worked out great on family vacations because she could always pass for under 17 even into her twenties.  She was still getting "carded" in bars and nightclubs in her 30s...tell your sister to enjoy her "diminutive" size as it brings many good things.

  6. nothing can make her taller other than time although i believe she will always be on the shorter side she is only 12 and still has plenty of growing time left tell her to love herself regardless women come in all shapes and sizes

  7. 5 inches? Poor thing! Toss her in your purse and take her to a doctor to get some hormones. If that doesn't work, hit the road and make millions as the world's smallest girl.

  8. Nothing can make her taller.  There's no possible way.  She probably isn't even done growing yet.  Let nature take it's course.

  9. she's going to have her growth spurt soon. just get her to drink her milk.

  10. i am male and i had an eaily growth spurt. if her mum and dad are both above average height she will have another growth spurt around age 17 - 18 pushing her to around 5'9 - 5'10 if her parents are smaller than average height then she wont have another instead she will gradually grow to around 5'4. my spurt started at age 11 ending at age 12 at 5'5 i grew very slow and now at 20 i'm only just beggining to speed up currently at 6'1 - 6'2.   tell her not to worry tho.

  11. In some cases a doctor may give growth hormone shots. But, if it is not extreme, you'll have to realize that some people are just short. My daughter is a full head or more shorter then every kid in her class.

  12. there are some useful grow taller books at this link all free . http://free-bodybuilding-yoga-weightloss...   she must watch her diet and do lots of stretches, beside l strongly recommend at her age. Follow these ways,and  she is going to grow like a cypress.

  13. I stopped growing at age 11...I'm only 4'9.5"  When I was 20 I found out it was damage to my pituitary gland.  If other people in your family are short (parents, grandparents, siblings) then yeah she may be done.  She has so many years after having her first period to still grow (I believe it's 3 years).  If there is damage to her pituitary gland, there are bone injections they can give her to force her to get as close to finishing her growing as possible, but once again, after those 3 or so years after her first period have passed, she can not receive them.  She should go talk to her doctor.

  14. there's nothing you can do that i know of

    but did you know that if your short when your younger you'll b taller than everyone else when your older.

    (Don't think it'll b a problem in high school really any way)

    I'd love to b that short!

  15. She's only 12 she still has plenty of time to grow taller. Our genes predict how tall we will grow but nutrition has alot to do with it.  I would suggest she take vitamins.

  16. Oh my goodness, I am the tallest woman in my family at age 30 I am 5'3" and I love my short stature. No one will make fun of her poor little tween drama :o) If she wants to grow taller she should just wait another 8 years when her growth is complete.

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