
What can my GF and I do at my place?(NOT SEXUAL!!)?

by  |  earlier

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Hey! Ive been dating a girl I have great love for, for about 3 months now. We've been to movies and other events,(such as the local county fair)but shes never just hung out at my place, or vise versa. I called her on the phone today, and she said she might want to come over some time during the long weekend.(Labor Day) The only problem is, if she comes over, what might be some things we could do as a couple, but still be fun? Ive already taken into account of watching a movie, but my DVD collection is pretty limited to stuff she might want to see.

Please help!




  1. go to blockbuster and rent a movie.... and then cook dinner together and watch it while u eat

  2. cooking a good meal and washing the dishes together. How about a game of monopoly or scrabble?

  3. well if ur dvd collection is limited go to blockbuster with her and together u can decide on a movie to rent. or u can play games or invite some more friends an just hang out.  

  4. My boyfriend and I play Wii and other games of the sort.  We make cookies and look through old yearbooks and pictures. Sometimes we just watch tv or do board games with his family. We also get on the computer and do myspace or yahoo answers.  It's all fun when we are together, it doesn't have to be complicated. If you are nervous, just invite other friends to hang out with you too.

  5. let her watch you cook dinner....

    most girls love men who can handle fire....

  6. go for a walk

    give each other massages

    cook together

    talk about everything

  7. Listen to music. Dance & sing. Go for a walk together, talk, and hold hands.  Plant some seeds (tomato, sunflower, etc)/garden.  Give her a foot rub/shoulder massage.  

    Buy cookie dough and bake cookies.  There so easy to make!  Cook together...get a recipe  online that you both love to try.  Then feed each other the food.

    Rent a scary movie, so that she will grab your arms for protection when she's scared.  Sit in front of the TV with a blanket after dinner and cuddle, play with her hair.  Eat desserts such as fruits and drink cider.  Have a piece of pie or something healthy because girls love guys who feed them delicious healthy desserts after dinner.  It shows that you care about her health and that you want to live long and have her by your side.

    Another thing is if you know how to pour juice (like lemonade, etc) into a popsicle mold, you can make popsicle ahead of time.  Just make sure to put in some popsicle stick before you freeze the whole thing.  

    What I would do first is call her and get ideas for music, type of popsicles, food recipe, type of cookie dough, and type of movie.  Then get the ingredients for the main meal ready in the refrigerator.  Put the CDs in the CD player and the movie in the DVD.  IF you plan most things in advance she will be impressed!

    You may want to have her snack on the popsicles while you wait for the food/cookies to be ready to eat.  After the meal, offer to clean up and then go for a walk to get some together time away from the house.  After that, get the cookies, cider, and desserts ready for movie watching.

  8. GO FOR A WALK!!

    They are really romantic!♥

    or cook food but that might get weird for a while

  9. well go rent movies with her! me and my gf diid that

    or just chill and talk.

  10. hang out in your underwear & have a fight with water pistols!

    throw food at eachother, then have a shower together..

    kiss her

    play twister!!

    play strip poker!!

    mate, HEAPS of things to do being alone with a girl!! And u don't have to have s*x, but whats wrong with being a bit flirty & suggestive anyway?? Its all harmless fun, enjoy ;)

  11. Cook a meal

    Play Scrabble

    Backrub / footrub

    Watch football!

  12. why not cook some dinner for her?

    or mayb watch a couple of shows together.

    OR light up the fireplace, lay a blanket in front of it with some pillows and you guys can talk and cuddle.

    we all love to cuddle up to our men.

    you could also be spontaneous. ask her what shes up for.

    at the end of the day, whatever you do, remember that you guys have been together for 3 months now, which means you really like each other so it wouldn't matter what you do. as long as you're doing it together.

    i'm sure she feels that way.  

  13. Well she'll obviously be different from me, but when I am over at my boyfriends house I sometimes like to play video games with him, listening to music, playing some board games? going for a walk, tossing a ball around in your back yard? you said not sexual so I guess anything of that nature is out of the question.  

  14. Then ask her if there is anything you could rent. Cook a nice dinner, play some boardgames, go out for some walks. You can also ask her what she wants to do.

  15. go rent a movie that you know you'll both like or go together. watch a movie order some pizza or make pop corn! just make it a cuddling night! most girls just love to cuddle, at least i do! maybe make her something to eat! be some what romantic!

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