
What can my ISP know about my internet activity?

by  |  earlier

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I don't know of any laws in my country against this and I know they can see the websites I visited.

But can they know what i visited in a certain webiste? For example, who's profile i visited on facebook? What do i see on youtube? Can they know what's in the e-mails i receive??

And most importantly can they know my passwords?




  1. Yes, ISPs have the technical capabilities to view any web pages you visit using standard HTTP. If you are using HTTPS, they will be able to see what sites you connect to, but not the contents of the pages or the exact page you visit. Passwords are generally safe if you are visiting reputable sites, but some lower-quality sites send passwords unencrypted (in plain text). E-mail is inherently insecure, to make it truly secure you would have to use a third-party encryption method such as PGP.

    Of course, the laws in your country may or may not protect your privacy to a certain extent, and the ISPs most likely will not track everything you do unless you are under investigation.

  2. they can see everything cause you get the internet from them

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