
What can my dreams mean?!?

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i keep having the same dream over and over but it takes place in different places. first, i had a dream i was with my boyfriend at school and then he disappeared and i went to go find him but i got in trouble by a teacher. then, i finally got to go look for him and i couldn't find him and someone told me he left. Then, the next night i had a dream i was walking somewhere with my boyfriend and then he disappeared again and i went to go look for him but i got in trouble by the police and i finally got away from them and then someone told me my boyfriend got on the bus and left. Then, last night i had a dream i was at the mall with my boyfriend and he disappeared and i went to go look for him and i got in trouble by someone that worked in one of the stores. and then after that i went to go look for him and some guys with guns told me he already left. I have no idea why i keep having this same dream. i want to know what it means or what it is trying to tell me. can anyone please help me?!




  1. Unsurprisingly it's related to your boyfriend and authority figures. Every time you act in some way with the relationship authority figures (most likely parents seem to cause problems). Do your parents, or even someone who you respect, disaprove of your relationship? In regards to the fact that he keeps disappearing, well there's two reasons for that, unfortunately they're mutually exclusive, so you'll have to decide for yourself. Either you're worried that he'll run out on you. Or it's that you feel that he doesn't help you when your parents etc. disaprove. (This is of course assuming I haven't completely misinterpreted your situation.

  2. be careful

  3. Ok, you ever need to communicate something with someone, and they just *will not* hear you?  So you keep saying it over and over, louder and louder--?

    When a dream gets scary, or dangerous, or there's suddenly turmoil -- bad weather, etc -- that means your dream is fighting you.  Usually because your inner mind is losing its patience at you rejecting the message.

    First dream:  in school.  What do you do in school?  You learn.  So there is something for you to learn here.  Your boyfriend's not there.  When you go looking for him, you get in trouble with the teacher.  Then you go looking anyway and can't find him.

    Second night:  Your boyfriend's not there.  You go looking for him   You get in trouble with the police.  When you get away from them, someone tells you your boyfriend has left.

    Third dream:  In the mall, your boyfriend vanishes.  You go looking for him and get in trouble with a clerk.  Then, you go looking for him again and get intercepted by guys with guns, who tell you he's left.

    What is the message?  **Your boyfriend's not there.**  And when you deny that message, by looking for him, your dream yells at you -- with teachers, cops, store clerks, and guys with guns.  And then repeats the message.


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