
What can my employer do?

by  |  earlier

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I work with a guy who has major personal issues going on, however when he is driving a work's vehicle he starts dozing off. He also falls asleep on site. He lied and told our employer that he has seen his doctor but he hasn't. No one wants to work with him or be in the same van as him - what should be done?




  1. You're employer has a legal responsibility for the safety of all of their employees. If your colleague is as dangerous as you say, then you also have a responsibility to report your concerns to your line manager, and allow the company to assess the situation, and act on their findings as they should.

    I also worked with someone who used to fall asleep at the wheel. Everyone thought he was working double shifts, as he would start work filthy like he'd done a days work already. I refused to let him drive when we had to work together, and so did many of the other men. He was reported on several occasions, but unfortunately, management didn't act as they should have at the time.

    A little while later, he totalled the truck he was driving, and took out two other trucks on the motorway. Everyone was lucky, as they didn't get too hurt. He did get sacked, but if management dealt with him as they should have, no one would have got hurt at all.

    If your company doesn't deal with the situation as they should, have a look at this site and get the HSE involved. You might save someones life.

  2. i would have a private word with my manager and see what cna be done! other then spekaing to ur manager first hand not alot will be done as thy wont no that there wil lbe an issue to be addressed! if you cant speak to your manager maybe write a letter and they can read it that way you've broken the ice but they will still call u in for more info! but atleast a letter will break teh ice!

  3. mention this situation to your boss. Tell him that this guy is a hazard to the companies well being and safety. Especially the safety of fellow workers. It would be a good idea to have two or three of you meet with your boss as well.

    I would recommend that this guy wopuld be laid off until he sees a doctor for asleep disorder and gets medication.

  4. something needs to be done. this guy that keeps dozing could be being protected by the manager because of a disability, but if he is dozing it is a safety hazard. he needs assigned duties that would better suit him and not endanger anyone else.

    just my personal opinion.

  5. get all your work colleagues to sign a letter telling your employer about him(or her)

  6. He's a danger to you guys and to others when he's driving so your employer needs to know. If something happens and he gets in an accident you would feel horrid for not doing something sooner.

    Law-wise, if this guy cannot do his job because of whatever personal issues are going on (even if it's not his fault) then he should take some leave and come back after a rest, or a chance to sort things out. It's not difficult people do it all the time. Better to get things sorted eh.

  7. It sounds like he should be sacked but if your employer isn't keen on doing that then he should at least put him on sick leave if only to keep the rest of you safe.

    If this guy had an accident with a works van and (god forbid) killed someone your boss would be partially liable as he knew about his problem and did nothing.

    Get all your workmates to sign a letter to your boss explaining your worries and what you want done (there's more power in numbers!)

    Good Luck


  8. You sound like a caring lot,  you want him sacked to add to his other problems!  Call a meeting with him and the boss, discuss it like adults and sugest he takes some time off, the doctor will probably sign him off anyway if he explains what is happening.

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