
What can my girlfriend and I do tonight?

by  |  earlier

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We don't really want to go to the movies




  1. put on a strap-on and f*ck her brain out

  2. Experiment...let me know how that turns out so I have spank fantasy

  3. grab a bowl of hot popcorn and what a movie at home while cuddling.

  4. lol u r a L*****n uh!!

  5. You had to expect that



    I hope your not too young but jeez that question was waiting for it

    I bet your christian upbring didn't expect that

    Haha ive never laughed so hard

  6. why dont you two cook a food for yourselves,, in that way you can do activity together,,, bonding is good for a realationship,,,,

  7. In response to chrismuggs response to CAMELS response: And to imagine, he got a thumbs down for that. I swear a lotta the people in here are just way too uptight!

  8. have passionate s*x...

  9. give me your number and we can get on with it

  10. sit in doors and do something fun like watch a film

  11. Go up Mt Cootha and drink coffee and watch the rain fall.  Rain yeah yeah yeah

  12. play monopoly or any board game. they are making a come back.

  13. Luck yourselves in, and take sleeping pills!

  14. poo tang

  15. do sumting fun outdoors and after dat have s*x

  16. Rent "Glory Road."  We watched it last night and it's really good.  Throw in popcorn or Chex Mix!

  17. go out like fun fair... have a ride... perhaps a roller coaster

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