
What can my moms dream mean?

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she thought some one was in her bedroom but she could not open her eyes or scream and she could not move like she was paralyzed and she felt somebody touch her back but she could not turn over.

The end




  1. the back symbolizes willpower and determination: it supports the whole body and allows us to stand upright. the fact that she can not speak may indicate that she needs to take a backseat for a while and just observe things rather than be involved with them.

  2. The attempt to move but feeling paralized is a once-in-a-blue-moon occurance.  There is a hormone or chemical (I forget what it's called) that is excreted during sleep that keeps you from moving around too much (otherwise we would act out or dreams!) and essentially paralizes you.  Usually, when your body wakes, it quits making the chemical and it disapates quickly.  If it becomes a chronic problem I'd see a physican (I'm not sure what they do about it) but it happens to all of us once in a while.

  3. That happened to me a lot. I don't think it means anything. This happens to people who are very exhausted and start imagining or feeling things.

  4. she is an active sleeper, her life is very active and prob not getting enough sleep. the paralized state is normal when u sleep but she is still aware of the dream she is having.  for those who sleep walk they are more likely to act out there dreams, like me.

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