
What can my partner eat at work?????

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My partner works on a building site and works 12-14 hour days. He really wants to loose weight and eat healthy but finds himself eating takeaways continuously. I live in spain but he works there and comes back for 5 days a month at the moment and the rest of the time whilst in england he lives in a hotel. He gets up and goes to work and by the time he gets back he either sleeps or has a takeaway. Anyway he wants to eat at work about 6 but they only have a microwave and a blender at work plus he is on a budget as we are really trying to save this year (isn't everyone!!). I have suggested wraps and soups and obviously sandwiches but i know wraps are healthier. Does anyone have any ideas of good recipes/meals he can do on the go at work using a blender and microwave or just normal cold meals that will help him to eat better?? Please help!




  1. Not so much what to eat but when to eat it. Get him to start the day with a good breakfast - all the protein stuff from a traditional english. He'll feel far less hungry at lunchtime & should be able to get away with sandwiches or a cornish pastie. After work a salad & fruit, plus some more bread to fill up the corners.

    It's the old saying - breakfast like a king, supper like a pauper. It really works!

  2. besides you, fruit will help him lose wt and provide energy during the day

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