
What can my sister in law do to have this baby?

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she is 41 weeks and does not want to get induced but this has been a long exhausting pregnancy for her. what are some at home things she can do to bring on labor?




  1. The only thing that can bring on labor is hormones.  When her hormones are ready, she'll go into labor, otherwise she'll need to be induced.  All the old wives' tales (walking, s*x, spicy food, etc) don't do anything -- it's all driven by hormones.  

  2. there all myths. she can relax patiently until she is forced into induction

  3. Do a lot of walking.  

  4. She should be quite sensitive to the natural oxytocin that is released if she does nipple stimulation.  She should stimulate her nipples like a suckling baby for 15 to 20 minutes every hour.  Have her only do one breast at a time, because it can bring on strong contractions.

  5. s*x, lots and lots of walking, raspberry leaf tea (not just raspberry flavored tea)

  6. She can sit back and be patient, SHE WANTED TO BE PREGNANT, now she can be patient!  When the baby's ready it will come.  They could be off a week or two on the due date!  What did she think, it would just be a breeze?

  7. The only safe things I recommend is s*x & walking.

  8. orgasms and walking.

    Orgasms cause mild contractions of the s*x bits, so might encourage labour. Also, it releases hormones which are released during labour, and helps to soften the cervix.

    activity will ensure the body is working properly, and help the processes stay on track.

    Also, she could try kneeling on all fours, to encourage the baby to drop more. It will help relieve her back a little too.

  9. Lots of things! The two most commonly recommended are s*x and walking. However, my friend lightly jumped on a trampoline to speed her process along (it worked). She can also do exercises made specifically for pregnant women. I've also heard that eating either pineapple, spicy foods, chinese food, eggplant Parmesan, or licorice speed along labor. Not sure why but a lot of women swear by it! The most effective of the foods, and closest to being proven, is spicy foods like peppers or hot sauce.

    Good luck!

  10. I was a few weeks late and my mum read that green beans and broccoli are the best things to eat to encourage the baby. Also lying on your back and pulling your knees up as far as they will go a few times a day makes the "sack" become active and helps. I hope all goes well x*x

  11. Castor Oil works great.

    Its a type of laxative that will

    help with starting labor.

    It may not work, but she is already 41 weeks

    So there is chance it mite work.

    I also found this website describing it.

    Good Luck!

  12. caster oil or something?? people say dont do it.. but a lady told me she did it cuz she was a bit over due.. and it worked nipple stimulation is said to work.. along with walking and s*x

  13. Have s*x.  Take a long walk.  Both can bring on labor.  Or, let her suffer, it is her choice not to be induced.  

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