
What can one do to reduce pollution?

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What can one do to reduce pollution?




  1. Eat less. Besides being healthy, you won't use as much plastic packaging thus reducing waste.

  2. Personally I never give to charity...that ensures that a sizeable proportion of the population remains homeless ...thereby not using electricity and creating excess pollution..

    It has follow on effects as well, normally they cannot afford a car either ...again less pollution... they cannot afford fast food... so no wrappers littering up the place...

    and it encourages them to recycle cans and bottles...if they go around picking them up they can make a few cents... and also help with the litter problem.

  3. We all need to demand better management of of waste and energy issues we all use. These are community issues that are being poorly managed worldwide. The use of landfills should be eliminated and energy should be used without poluting. These things can be done right now if good engineering is applied to the problem. At this time nothing of value is being done and this will continue as long as people allow poor management to apply poorly engineered and very costly projects to be developed that do nothing to fix the problem.

  4. Walk more or take the bus dont drive

    and DONT LITTER!

  5. Non proliferation treaty for all countries on fossil fuels,fossil cars.

    Vote Green Party.  Dismantle Gas powered cars.

    End of squawking about it it isn't it happening. Dana Scientist understands the reference.

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