
What can or should i do in this situation?

by Guest59608  |  earlier

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Recently 10 foreign students moved into a 2 bedroom apt downstairs from mine. I have 2 roommates and 1 of them recently became friends with everyone in that apartment. Now i have half of them coming in and out my apartment at all hours. My roommate told 2 of them they could come in and use his computer when he's not here. Friday my other roommate and i were in the livingroom all day (which never happens cause its empty) and we encountered 4 of them coming in one at a time. None of them even said hi. We talked to our roommate and told him we were not cool with them coming over when he isnt here and that we would start locking the door. He wasn't happy about that. I recently got a kitten before they showed up and now they (or him) keep stealing her away for extended periods (sometimes overnight) by keeping her in his room upstairs even though shes my cat. I also mentioned this to him and that its not fair to keep her from freely getting to her food and litterbox. He got defensive and pissy about that too.

We are both on the lease. What can or should i do?




  1. Did you both find the apartment at the same time or did one of you find it first?  Usu.  whoever finds the place first has the final say - if that's you, you could play that card.

    I'd say the 3 of you have a formal or semi-formal sit-down meeting.  Your other roommate and you seem to agree so that's an advantage.  Work out some compromises - not your cat's though, she's yours - The expats are welcome at certain hours, when he's home, and if they are friendly.  Those are reasonable demands.  He might have some demands too - which is good.  Gives you something to bargain with.

    Good luck :)

  2. Talk to the unwelcome visitors, or maybe keep your stuff in an unreachable area.

    Sounds like you got it pretty rough :\

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