
What can parents do on a Friday night with no money and 2 kids?

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My husband and I are tired of sitting at home with the kids on the weekend nights, but we have no babysitters and little to no money to go out. We have 2 boys ages 9 and 3. We have another couple that we are friends with who have a 2 year old. We would love for us to be able to all hang out together with our kids. What are some fun and cheap things we could do on a Friday night (we really want to get OUT of the house!)




  1. how about camping ?

  2. I often have this problem too. Its hard to find things to do with no money. Since its summer one of our favorite things to do is go to the park; we stop by a snowcone stand on the way. You can always take your fishing pole or some old bread to feed the ducks too. Another option is to go bowling, its usually pretty cheap and everybody can play. Swimming at a local pool is great too. You might look for a miniature golf place. We also lay out after dark on the weekends and star gaze, doesnt really get us out of the house, but its very cheap fun. Hope this ideas help! Have fun.

  3. You could camp out right in your own backyard. You could even borrow a projector from the library and set it up outside with a sheet as the screen and have an outdoor movie night. Make hotdogs and s'mores or just pop some popcorn. Have fun!

  4. not sure because it all depends on where you live. maybe you could trade off sitting each others children so that each couple can go out with out kids. or set a play date for the kids with movies for them and movies for the adults, trade off who will be hosting (at that couples house) on different weekend.

    or you could all go to the park, or pool together. maybe even supper at a place that has a play land for children.

    what ever you choose, good luck it is really hard to go anywhere with small children. as they get older it gets easier.

  5. Go to the park or walk or ride bikes.

  6. there are many things to do use your imagination thats all...  Craft nights, camping out in the back yard.  cookouts, going to the park if one is close to you and also take turns on watching each others kids so you the parents can go have alone times with your mates...(always needed)  and the thing my xhusband  and i use to do is have dates with each other for example set the table for you and your husband with candles and soft music playing while eating dinner,  have the kids in the living room let them eat there rent them some movies of thier choice give them koolaid and some bags of chip and let them eat in the living room and watch their movies and after dinner you and your husband sit on the back porch with music dance and laugh over stuff its fun because trust me as much as you might need a break from the kids so does the kids need one to..

  7. Go to the park, the library, a play group. Set up game nights with board games. Or cooking nights where the kids can help cook. Movie nights where they pick out movies they want to watch. Just try to be creative :]

  8. Since it's summer and it gets dark later, if you have a bike path near you, go on a family bike ride. You might need one of those attachments for you 3-year-old, unless he has a little bike with training wheels and whatnot. Or take a walk and bring a picnic with you. Make sandwiches and use cookie cutters and make the food fun and exciting for the kids when you get there.

  9. go to the park...Your getting some fresh air and theres usually a playground so yeah.

    go to the pool

    if theres a beach nearby maybe that too.

    hope this helps!

  10. well to save on money you could take turns with other family an host a game or movie night at the other's house... it would get you out of YOUR house. another idea if you aren't stuck in a bright city or own is to find an area for star gazing... the little ones may not be into it my the 9 year old may like it.. find a book on constellations first and see if you can find them in the sky... i did a bit of that when i was a kid

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