
What can rocks be used for? And dont say throwing them at people!?

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I have to make a list of all the uses of rocks, for my science project. I already have all of the most common reasons, so what are some different uses. And dont say that they can be used for throwing at people or for pet rocks. I have to know SPECIFICALLY what they can be used for.

Ex. stucco, sidewalks, decoration, stonehedge, jewelry

And please, this is my science project so dont tell me pointless answers like pet rock.




  1. Fill your pockets with them and go swimming, it's great exercise.

  2. going back to the stone age--wheels, weapons (rock thrown from a sling), arrow heads/ spearheads, knives

    Aniakchak's,  once catapults were invented, they hurled rocks. The great wall of china, pyramids, aqua ducts are made from rock

  3. Roadbeds,concrete,landscaping,shorelines to prevent erosion,fences,fountains,parking lots,roads,grave markers,sculptures,sharpening tool.

    That is just a few I'm sure there is a lot more.

    Good Luck

  4. my grandfather built a bridge out of rocks

  5. I put some in my fish tank for the fish to hide behind.

  6. A paperweight. :)

  7. I'm assuming you mean just regular plain old rocks, not fancy jewely-type rocks:

    People leave them on tombstones as a simple something to show they had been to visit the grave.

    Tombstones themselves.

    People in my area have built little models of their homes using small stones and the homes are usually displayed near the ends of their driveways.

    Stone walls have been used to separate farm fields for centuries.

    Entertainment in the form of skipping rocks over the surface of water.

    Encircle a campfire to keep the fire in check.

    Foundations for buildings such as homes and barns.

    Building bridges.

    Torture - See the story of Salem Village resident Giles Corey (sp?) who would not confess to witchcraft was and crushed to death under the weight of many stones.

    Decorative edging for gardens and other landscaping.

    Stepping carefully across a creek or river.

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