
What can run .............

by  |  earlier

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but never walks, has a mouth but never talks, has a head but never weeps, has a bed but never sleeps?




  1. I know a River!

  2. Is this a river?

  3. definately a river

    Nice one though =)

  4. A river

  5. don't know - what is it?!

  6. water

  7. has honey but can't keep? has money but full of shiit? hope to get laid but don't want to pay?  all the hooles say nay but still want to get laid?

    The best answer you can get

  8. A river,,

    heard the riddle in Jackie Chan Adventures =P

  9. A river.

  10. a river

  11. river

  12. it a river

  13. A river!

  14. A River.

  15. i'm confused!

  16. River is right!

  17. Take me to the river....

  18. RIVER!

  19. river?

  20. Tears

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