
What can seal my shoes with?

by  |  earlier

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I did a pair of canvas converse, using sharpie, fabric markers and paints, and acrylics, what should i seal the shoes with? something that i don't have to keep re-applying and can stand up to rainstorms =D thankies




  1. go to a craft store and ask for a seal to protect them they will know right a way they are trained to know everthing a but arts and crafts

  2. I just decorated a pair of Chucks with sharpies, and the lady at Wal-Mart told me to use Scotchguard for fabrics. It's like $6, and you only have to reapply it every six months, unlike other sealants that have to be applied every month or so.

    Your local craft store will be able to help you, too.

    Good luck!  :]

  3. They do make a waterproofing for sneakers and shoes.  Go to your local shoe repair shop and ask them.

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