
What can should he do? My cousin slapped his wife, because she was cheating on him.?

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Today my cousinf found out that his wife was cheating on him. with his best friend. They have been here 2 months from Cuba, he lost his temper, I know that it is not right but know he wants to go about 3 hours from where we are so the police wont catch him , If she decides to press charges.

Nothing has happend, so far. My husband called the guy up and told her that if he had enough guts to be with her, then to take her with him. Otherwise she was going to end up on the street.

i dont want him to get into anymore trouble, and fear that by leaving he is going to get into more trouble.




  1. if a police report was made by the wife, then the police will do their job and find him, this is between the wife and the cousin to resolve with law enforcement I would not be involved

  2. Just slapped her? He should have shot her! I hate cheaters! If you even think that there is a possibility of cheating in the future then you should not get married! If it is not working out for you then leave the person you are with and file for divorce! Do not get married if you even think for one second that you have it in you to cheat on the one you are marrying! That is a big problem with the world today and one of the reasons that our children are so f@3ked up no days! If you are even the least bit unsure about your ability to stay faithful or the least bit unsure about your partners ability to do the same, then do not get married! There is not excuse for cheating!!!!!!

  3. Don't get me wrong, I'm not racist, but aren't Cubans banned from the USA? Since that powerful ruler-guy holds all cubans hostage against americans? or is your cousin an illegal immigrant?? Don't think I'm being racist or rude or whatever! I'm just stating my opinion like everyone else! feel free to prove me wrong, haha(:

  4. Well, technically, he has committed domestic battery, which is a misdemeanor crime.  I don't think he could get in any trouble by leaving the area.  As long as he hasn't been served with a summons or given any sort of court appearance, he isn't breaking any law.  Of course, I suspect going 3 hours away wouldn't help him if charges were pressed.  They would just arrest him and bring him back.  If he left the country or went several states away, that would likely be a different story since they wouldn't pay to bring him back for a misdemeanor charge.

  5. He needs to go for 72 hours not 3 hours. He can still be charged with domestic violence if caught wiithin 3 hours. I'd slap her again than slap him.

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