
What can simple people with no real power do to make stop human traffiking or s*x tourism???

by  |  earlier

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i feel so pathetic when i live my little happy life while such horrible things are going on.




  1. To add to these answers, you need to help raise awareness. Many people don't realize what's going on in the world or they simply choose to ignore it. Join an organization that has been mentioned and spread the word to friends, family, coworkers, others you encounter in your daily life. The more people know and understand about this, the more they will want to act. Try using pictures or videos or real stories to trigger their emotions. When people realize that its so close to home and real, they will want to act.

  2. There are organizationall over the world who fight for these noble causes like amnesty international.  One of the most powerful mean of gaining justice used by these organisation is by obtaining maximum signatures for their petition.  If youreally want to give your help you could sign their petition next time you see them and go directly on their websites to give your signature.  On these sites you will also know what is the nearest branch of the organization to your place and you would be able to meet them directly.  So you can try Amnesty International Website. Peace

  3. You could donate time or money to a chariy that helps get prostitutes in 3rd World Countries off the streets.

    Slavery, (in its many forms) and prostitution have existed from the beginning of time, so nothing you can do will end it.

      Why do you obsess over these problems overseas when there are prostitutes down the street from you who might also be "trapped" in a life they don't want?

  4. Report the violators, traffickers and human smugglers so that you can contribute in solving these problems.

  5. work on spreading the word and being the problem to the general public... to many people are so self centered they think the world ends on there property line

  6. Cuba

  7. Already some good answers here. I would add - register with, make your argument convincing and get others to support your opinion. Eventually legislators will have to take notice or cease being legislators.

  8. You could volunteer with a women's or children's aid organization that works on human trafficking issues. Often the victims of trafficking are stuck between being sent back to their country or applying for asylum. There are many aid organizations that help with applying for asylum through the courts, but you can also help just by providing comfort and reaching out to the victims in your city.

  9. I think the best way to answer this question is to break down the adjective 'simple', and then go on to look at the definition in the question of people.

    If we break down 'simple', you will see at once that this word is vague. It's often to the ignorance of people's statuses, ages, intelligence, classes, backgrounds and so on. If we accept these other definitions of types of people, or standards of people, we may begin at once to see that people can act with purpose to stop human trafficking or s*x tourism because we are imputing to them statuses and characteristics (e.g. intelligence, rational agency and so on).

    'Real power' is also liable to breakdown. There are often various types of power that people say can be exercised: moral, political, religious and so on. If we accept these definitions of power, in place of 'real' power- or go on further to analyse what is meant by 'real', we come to define power by reference to other words such as 'moral' power, so the definition of power becomes defined by reference to a particular type of power. There are other ways of defining power of course- for example, by reference to the quality of power, or the standard of the power.

    The fact is whether we accept the assumptions in your question turns on what definitions of people and power we accept. If we reject simple and real as words that are too vague, we can engage in better analysis about what practical steps people can take. For example, intelligent people can research and find out more about human trafficking. People with moral power can use that power to their effect. People with political power can use that power to effect.

    On a normative tangent, I think much of this is about global economic, technological, historical and moral arguments. I don't think its as simple as you make it out to be - like a little project to be solved and then the world (viewed in traditional Christian Western conceptions) will be happy and safe.

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