
What can someone in spain taste?

by Guest65315  |  earlier

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what kinds veggies can they taste, different fruits they can taste and delicasies




  1. Veggies are much the same as they are any place else.  The world has gotten very small!

    Broccoli is purple when bought raw.

    Artichokes are MUCH more commonly used than in the US.  Blood oranges are readily available in season, though they and some hybrids have become available in other countries as well in the last ten years.

    Grapes are very common, though I thought seedless grapes were unusual, but that may have changed.  My last experience buying grapes there was a while back.

    Olives, in infinite varieties, are available everywhere and very cheap!

    The hams in Spain and their cured meats and sausages are tremendously famous.  (unless you are a vegetarian), you MUST try Jamón Ibérico, and Serrano, which is nearly as good, but much less expensive.  

    There are a number of famous cheeses from Spain, the most famous of which is Manchego, with Mahón coming in second.  But there are a huge variety of other cheeses that are worth trying!  I had a wonderful Manchego with rosemary on my last trip!

    And, if you don't try any other dishes, you MUST try Paella.  It is the national dish, and scrumptious!

    And the seafood is incredibly fresh and cooked in the most wonderful recipes!

    Plenty of other regional dishes to try, as well.  Great soups, huntsman's dishes in the central regions.  Pig...suckling pig is a delicacy in Madrid.  TONS of good food!  I put on ten pounds in a month!  

  2. The main crops in Andalucia are, Tomatoes, potatoes, avocados, olives, artichokes, oranges, lemons, onions, lettuce, cabbages, chard, beans to name but a few. You also have pomegranates from Granada. From pomegranates you have a liqueur called grenadine.

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