
What can the United Nations do to put an end to the use of children as soldiers? Why not arrest Joseph Kony?

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What can the United Nations do to put an end to the use of children as soldiers? Why not arrest Joseph Kony?




  1. That's a tough one. Kony's not going anywhere without a fight. There had been moves made in the last couple of years to broker some kind of truce, but Kony's not a man to be taken lightly...he's a religious nutball...if he's happy to do what he does to kids, he'll go mad on anyone.

  2. Takes manpower to enforce

    But the U.N cant really enforce much

  3. The UN can actually do nothing because they do not have the power to do anything w/o the cooperation of any nation with a standing military (America). They pass resolutions that have no meaning and usualy do not enforce them anyhow. Want an example? How about the Food for Oil program for Iraq that Saddam was able to bribe UN officials, the French, Germans and Russians for weapons instead of food.

    The UN is a joke and should be dismantled.

  4. Not much.  The UN is mostly a clean up crew after the big boys are done fighting.

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