
What can the faa do and cant do?

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What can the faa do and cant do?




  1. The FAA (Federal Aviation Administration) is a regulatory agency of the US Department of Commerce.  Its rules have the strength of federal law, and the legal remedies available to the FAA are extensive and powerful.

    The limits of the FAA's powers and the remedies available to US citizens are the same as those available in regard to all federal laws.

    To answer specifically, we would need to know the specifics of the case about which you are inquiring.  Please give us more specifics, or try an internet search on "Federal Aviation Administration."

    Good luck!

  2. The FAA can do whatever they want as far as aerospace issused. They take marching orders from no one.

  3. Their mission is to provide the safest most efficient aerospace system in the world. As far as efficiency, I would say they are failing.

  4. the FAA is what I like to refer to as a Super Agency.

    That is that they dont have any oversight other than congress, the can create,, pass, enforce and penalize its own rules and regulations.  Their is only a few, and the other agency is the IRS, and TSA.  

    They are not regulated by by other agencies at all..

    They can enforce any regualtion regarded to aviation and aerospace.. but rarely ever go after criminal matters done in aircraft.  They will violate the airmen for any FAA regulations, but will let the FBI  handle and prosecute the crimal dealings..

  5. The FAA is charged with the promotion and regulation of aviation in the United States.

    Your question is very broad, but essentially the FAA creates regulations and then is granted power by Congress through the Federal Code of Regulations to enforce those regulations.

    Unlike what most people think, there is oversight of the FAA (Congress).

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