
What can the government do about the rise in sexually transmitted diseases?

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Cases of the clap are up, more so in those aged under 24. What can be done about it?




  1. Sexual education in schools correlates to a drop in STDs as well as a drop in teenage pregnancy.

    Here in the US, whenever a republican that panders to the religious nut jobs gets into office, they cut s*x ED in schools, replace it with "abstinance only" and teen pregnancy and STD rates go up.

  2. s*x Education, Free Condoms, TV and Media Awareness Campaigns, encourage more screening and more treatment centres and the possible legalisation and regulation of parts of the s*x trade including prostitution.

  3. Keep Prescott away from secretaries.

  4. More education and information. Also target schools, best to get them well knowledged younger.

  5. Do what they do in Holland - educate kids about s*x and relationships from the age of 5.

    Holland has the lowest rate of teen pregnancy in Europe, so they must be doing summat right.

    We have one of the highest, so we're obviously doing something wrong.

  6. Condoms are already free from certain clinics. The irony is that the Department of Health encouraged under 24s to get tested for STDs in the past 12 months - there was even a TV campaign - so we already know about these cases. What about those that aren't known?

    I suggest abolishing faith schools outright.  Why? Their attitude to s*x education is draconian. 'Keep your legs shut until your wedding night' will not prevent STDs (after all, your partner may have something).

  7. Education about STDs is a must. People should also be a lot more careful about who they go to bed with.

  8. Education but hey, personal responsibility is the most important step. The big problem is, too many people think that Big Brother should have a solution for everything.

    Big problem is, no one wants to take responsibility for their actions and poor choices they make.

    Semper Fi

  9. Promote the use of condoms with built in spermicide. It kills the AIDS virus amongst others.

  10. nothing our culture has turned into a S****y sleep around nation,  im no chrisitian but i believe the break down of morals and the family has had a big part in it, also the media portray our 'rolemodels' in a certain way and to an extent glorify slaggy behaviour

  11. Just print the money for research into these diseases give them endless supplies of money till they crack it. There are proberly simple answers to these diseases like eat a raw onion per day or tea tree oil or drink vinegar. You know some simple solution as usual keep the masses oppressed. best thing we can do is pray continually.

  12. Which members of the government do you think are spreading these STD's?

    I think we should be told.

  13. It's interesting that most people go for education on this question. However, since s*x education was introduced/forced into the classroom, STDs and teenage pregnancies have grown to utter epidemic proportions. The exact opposite reaction to what was intended.

    How about teaching children that it is wrong to have s*x out of wedlock?

  14. Nothing!

    The government can't change people's hearts and there is where the problem festers and breeds corruption, in the heart.

    Giving away free condoms or birth control pills won't helop either since the problem is in the heart.

    Parents need to teach their children that the world doesn't revolve around them, that they need to live their llives for others.

    Hollywood does all it can to destroy the youth and the government should shut down their filth and let them find another way to make a living.

    Have you seen some of the garbage on Youtube?

    Clean that up also.

  15. They should have Gordon Brown's photo placed above every single person's bed in the whole of Britain. great contraception!

  16. I do not understand how the govt. gets away with it either, the way they are s******g every body. You'd think they would come down with some thing.

  17. The government should stop f'g us over.  Stop pimping for the rich.

  18. We cannot expect the government to control our private behaviour.

  19. Total Castration and cement come to mind. Education is obviously not working.

  20. Give themselves a pay rise, its the only thing they can all agree on :)

  21. well my moms done her bit

  22. Lock up Amy Winehouse.

    Although seriously, I don't see its the Government's place to do anything about people's sexual behaviour.  I'm sick of the nanny state trying to tell us what to do.  People know the risks, if you have unprotected s*x with someone who you don't know well and are not in a committed relationship with you risk catching the clap or worse.  Its your call.  People need to take responsibility for their actions and stop looking to the Government to baby them all the time.  Theres already plenty of educational matter out there, free condoms at family planning clinics etc, why should the taxpayer fork out even more just because people jump into bed without taking the time to educate themselves of the risks first?

    Parents need to take responsibility for teaching their kids to respect their bodies and what risks might befall them if they don't.

  23. It's a social problem. People simply don't care any more, and there's the "it won't happen to me and if it does they can fix it" attitude. Look at how many girls regularly use the morning after pill.

  24. EDUCATION, specifically s*x education

  25. Why is the government responsible for this?

    Parents need to start educating their kids on s*x and its consequences.

    I think you're confused on what the government is supposed to do...

  26. Make everyone diagnosed with a STD  wear a chastity belt to prevent them from spreading it to others. Good Luck and have a nice day.

  27. Put Gordons Browns face up in every bed room, put everyone off s*x for life.

  28. More education and literature for the youth of the world.

  29. are you forgetting its not just young adults with this problem 2 years ago there was a report on the bbc that stated the increacing rate of sexually transmitted diseases amounger people in their 40s its not just younger adults its a problem for all age groups

  30. Trouble is everyone thinks it 'won't happen to them', like a lot of things nowadays.

    I don't see its the governments problem, it up to the individual to take responsibility

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