
What can the government do to stop saudis from sponsering terrorism?

by Guest60060  |  earlier

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many radical saudis donate/send money to terrorist groups elsewhere in the world to fund terrorist activities and many other radical campaigns.

what can be done to stop this?




  1. the same thing that America should do with zionists.

  2. that might be true 10 or 20 years ago.... no longer

    if someone donates to unknown source he'll probably go to jail.... there are zero tolerance policy toward funding terror.

    let me tell you something

    terrorist are opponent to government, royal family, and any Saudi individual, therefore, the the government won't allow any kind of suspicious transactions to happen

    btw, Saudis were victims of terrorism as will

  3. terrorism is an old concept for those who refuse a situation. so whoever blames the US or Islam for terrorism as a concept should review history.

    terrorism & terrorists can be managed. meaning it & they can be created, organized, directed, stopped.

    the subject terrorism wave (BinLaden wave) is created by both US and leading Muslim countries to fight the Soviet Union.

    the conflict now, as i see it, is that the terrorists created earlier for a specific purpose do not want to stop, and the creating team do not want to pay the price of playing the game.


    so it is a pure political dispute, has NOTHING to do with Israel or Islam or US policies.  

    back to the question :

    to stop saudis from sponsering terrorism, stop terrorism.

  4. The Americans should solve the problem in Palestine, stop supporting Israel, stay out of Muslim lands such as Iraq and Afghanistan, should stay at home across the Atlantic and stop interfering in others business. Everything will stop. Why blame the Muslim people and the Saudi Government. The fault lies somewhere else.

  5. ironically,

    the saudi radicals .. Bush... israel ALL OF THEM SEND MONEY to terrorist groups

  6. governments are ran by the powerful corporations who like to keep people ignorant and gain from conflicts. they control people through their medias IE; church. Saudis in this case are helping their cause. they reach vulnerable people in order to brainwash and controlled the masses! peace

  7. yes

    stop interefrring in others business. Everything will stop.  

    i think you understanding  what  i mean.

  8. the main root of terrorism has started all bcoz of u ppl if u stop pooking ur a** in others business no one is a moron to attact u idiots...

  9. also remember we support legally enforced terrorism...we pay for it with our taxes courtesy of messrs bush and the old blair fella !!! one mans terrorist is another mans freedom fighter !!! the saudis are only classed as supporting terrorism because they are not funding a government legally enforced regime !!!

  10. I suppose you mean the goverment of US. However,

    Stop dancing with Dictators and supporting them and let the people rule themselfs !

  11. .....actually none......sad to say, they can't control it....

  12. Get rid of liberals

  13. well, first of all, those saudis who support terrorism.. are very few. most saudis are very normal people, in fact.. they listen to american music, watch american movies, dress like americans and the west, etc..

    people need to see how the real saudi is once they go there, they can't just believe the media that's all biased and all wrong.

  14. Saudi Arabia and its people are not the problem. If "terrorism" is to stop, perhaps US and Israel should stop encouraging it. (palestine issue, foreign policy, and invading other countries come to mind).

    You only fix the problem when you get to the root of it.

  15. do you think US operation in Iraq and Israel activities in Palestine are acts of terrorism?

    If no, then, what do you consider them?

    If yes, then how many victims do you think they have resulted?

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