
What can the next president do to increase the value of the U.S. dollar?

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What can the next president do to increase the value of the U.S. dollar?




  1. No US citizens would like what the next president would have to do in order  to increase the value of the dollar.

    The next president would have to encourage the Fed to raise interest rates.  The reason why the dollar is decreased in value is because of low interest rates and the sloppy loan practices of the last 5-10 years(easy lending).  

    It is a simple supply and demand question.  If something is over supplied it loses value and if it is undersupplied it gains value.

    If it were harder for people to get US dollars ie. harder to borrow/get a loan, the value of the dollar would go up, because everyone would want them.

    This is already starting to happen now, regardless of who the president is or will be in the future.  It is a principal called "the invisible hand"

  2. What is the value of the dollar based on? Hmmmm???

    Does anyone know?

    Its based on good faith in the US.

    Its like having faith that your butcher doesn't put his thumb on the scale when he portions out your meat.

    Does any person reading this trust bill clinton or george bush to keep his thumb off the scale?


    The next president must make the Moral, Fair and Just decision to make the value of the dollar based on something real. Like Gold.

    Til then... did you know.... Politicians may have  2 tongues, 3 or more faces... but they have infinite thumbs?

    Yup. And the FED is the keeper of the thumbs.

  3. kent j...RIGHT ON!

    As I see it...fewer printed greenbacks and/or increased productivity is the ONLY way to increase the value of a currency.

    this simply won't happen, as people are lazy and governments like to burden yet to be born victims.

  4. Stop subsidizing every millionaire who knows who to cry to. Oil, agriculture are making a fortune and still get subsidized. End the war, and disband these mercenaries making $100,000-$200,000 a yr. cause they're unemployed with  gun. Real Estate bankers ruin their bank, and get bailed out. Everybody on the bottom is a capitalist, everybody on top is a commie. As it is, if you're not one of the "Good Ol' Boys" you have two ways to get rich quick: start a fake church, or get green.

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