
What can the special educator do to enhance the success of students with disabilities?

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What can the special educator do to enhance the success of students with disabilities?




  1. By enhancement do you mean what sort of accommodations encourage success for kids with disabilities?  

    If so, the answer would be anything which draws attention away from the student's disability and toward the true ability of the student.   For instance, children who cannot read well, but listen attentively, ask questions, and stay engaged in classroom activities and discussions may perform well on tests which are orally administered.  These children can demonstrate in great detail what they have learned.  If, however, they are expected to read the test themselves, they may fail it.  The same is true for students with very poor writing skills.  They may do well at answering questions orally, but they can't get more than a word or two down on paper.  

    You can't expect a paralyzed man to walk, so why should you expect a non-reader/writer to demonstrate literacy skills?  Let them demonstrate learning through another means of communication.  In this way you enhance their success.

    This is not to say you abandon basic instruction to help them improve their area of weakness. That must continue; but to encourage them to endure the struggle, they need to be evaluated in other ways besides the paper and pencil method.  They should be recognized for what they have learned or what they can do.

  2. jdek, all you are saying is subjective. I strongly disagree with what you say about teachers not helping the children.

    I am a homeroom teacher and had plenty of students with learning disabilities. I have seen Special Education teachers get out of their ways to help the students.

    You need to be more positive and learn to recognized people objectively.

    Shame on you.

  3. 1. Follow what is on the chidls IEP plan.

    2. Make sure they have the correct and legal training and qualifications to teach special education. Lots of teachers don't and schools hire them anyway.

    3. Be positive toward teh child and do not destroy his self esteem, which schools are notorious for doing.

    4. Keep in contact with the parents, they are an EQUAL member of the child's  IEP team.

    5. If at all possible, put what is best for the child BEFORE what is best for the school administrators.  Lots of teachers are in fear of losing their jobs becasue the administrators don't want them to help the children. MANY have been fired for doing the very job they were hired to do.

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