
What can this be does anyone have an idea?????

by  |  earlier

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It started on December.31-2003. i started off with chest pains. i was under alot of stress and anxiety. i also was diagnosed with anxiety in May. of 2003.

anyways, i started to be dizzy here and there and it slowly got worst. i had panic attacks after panic attacks. went to the doctors they all said it was anxiety. in september of 2007 i had a little boy. but while i was 7 months pregnant i got out of the bathtub and bent over to get my clothes and my heart started skipping beats or something. i got scared and yelled for my mom. but then it stopped. since then i have gotten the palpitations here and there. when im cutting grass or doing something that works my heart up, i get the palpitations. i get DIZZY spells ALL THE TIME now. i did gain 60lbs through out my pregnancy. i was only 97lbs when i got preg. im now 140-145. my legs hurt when i walk up the steps. sometimes when im sitting. sometimes my left one sometimes my right one sometimes both. ALL I DO IS WORRY!!! i had open heart surgery when i was 22months im now 19 years old. i sometime think i need it again. which scares me to death. :( im on lexapro but it doesnt seem to work. i have been getting these headaches sometimes my whole head hurts. sometimes just the right or left side. i cant stand up without feeling unsteady like my body is rocking back and fourth. any ideas? has anyone had the same problem? or know what it is??




  1. see a cardiologist and have a work up done, it will put your mind at ease or possibly catch the beginnings of any problems

  2. have you been checked for anemia? it sounds like it could be that, but please push ur doctors for tests. good luck!

  3. You should go back to the doctor and have some blood work done or an MRI of the brain. Good Luck!

  4. You need to try to do some sort of meditation or another. It sounds to me like your anxiety is getting over the top, go to a psychiatrist or try stress busting things like meditating and yoga.  

  5. It sounds like either an anxiety condition or a heart problem. I am also taking lexapro for general anxiety and depression. But since I have anxiety attacks so frequently I am also taking Ativan , whenever I feel an anxiety attack coming on, I pop an Ativan. I would visit my doctor and tell them what is going on. Maybe ask them to prescribe you an emergency anxiety medication such as Ativan and see if that helps with these attacks you are having.But if the problem still continues I would have this further checked in to. I hope you are ok. Good luck sweetie

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