
What can travel faster than the speed of light?

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What can travel faster than the speed of light?




  1. well there is a way to make us to travel faster than light our speed wont be above the speed of light but it is possible to make hyper dimensional shortcuts so even if we dont move faster we cross distance from A to B in less time than light.There is some theories that there r particles that r vibrating in 10th dimension those then move much faster than light.

  2. Dimensional travel using wormholes.

    Creating wormholes using exotic energy source.

    Holding open wormholes using exotic energy source.

    Much like a tour through "The Last Mimzy" movie. The two main kids are taught about geometry and sound and vibrations in general. The dimensional science, really what it is, can create wormholes for travel and time travel. Not far from the truth. Althgouh a movie which supports theoretical physics, there is truth in it nonetheless which is outside of the mainstream knowledge base.

  3. there are  hypothetical particles called tachyons that are theorized to travel faster than light

    if you think of the speed of light as a barrier, it separates faster than light particles from slower than light we have never detected a tachyon, and presumably a tachyon has never detected a slower than light particle

  4. nothing


  5. only if you could somehow travel through a wormhole(two points in warped spacetime that have pinched and joined together) without being vaporized or trapped within the negative energy at the pinch point as it collapses.  it is also said that "information" travels instantaniously rather than at afinite speed.  it all depends how far down the rabbit hole ya wanan go space cadet.

  6. Tachyon boy for the win...

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