
What can u do with a degree in anthropology?

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i think its really interesting but dont know what i could do with it




  1. If you want to work in the field you need a masters, minimum. Other than that, I hear Starbucks is hiring.

    Seriously, I find anth interesting as h**l but couldn't major in it as my college didn't have the program. And it's also not a very marketable degree. Maybe a minor? Or you can always learn about it in your own - that's what I've done.

  2. you can do anything you want. many ppl make the habit of tying one's major to one's career. let me tell you something. they're NOT related(unless you want them to be). its like any other freakin BA degree, no difference. basically everyone with a humanities/social science degree is in the same boat. art history, psychology, biology, literature, etc. the girl above talking about workin at Starbucks and this "not very marketable" c**p is a bunch of bull. just study what you're interested in. its people talking like the lady above that made me waste an entire year of college in a computer science major because of job prospects and salary, blah blah blah. the best advice is classic. and i didnt buy it until i really realized it myself. study what ur interested in! trust me..

    if you want to pursue a career in the field of Anthropology then you pretty much need at least a masters degree to get your foot in the door which are basically the jobs that the guy above me listed.

  3. 1. Professor

    2. Archaeologist

    3.  Forensic Medical Examiner

    4.  Ethnographer

    5.  Linguist

    There are lots of types of anthropologists.  I have a degree in Archaeology, and, although I chose to take a different path for a career, it helped me learn a lot about where we came from and how we got here.

    My sister is a Linguist and does work as an ethnographer, interviewing patients and doctors to discover more about a particular disease!

    She happens to be a world's guru on Sign Language.

    So, you must know more about what you want to do...

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