
What can u say about the global warming?

by Guest64600  |  earlier

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What can u say about the global warming?




  1. Global warming


    Global warming


    Global warming


    Global warming


    Global warming

    Global warming

    Global warming

    Global warming

    0 degrees

    Global warming

    15 degrees

    Global warming

    20 degrees

    Global warming

    -50 degrees

    Global warming

    methane from the deep abyss that characterizes itself in the form of politicians' mouths

  2. It is a divisive issue, and could be a definitive moment in our history.  If it turns out to be nothing but a natural event and we overreact the proponents will have a huge back lash and be seen negatively and the enemy of freedom. If it turns out the proponents and the science is accurate then future generations will have them to thank.  Time will determine who was correct.

  3. I'm amazed children can be taught to forget the Sun warms the Earth, in school, by teachers, and it be considered "good science".  The current warming trend (global warming) perfectly mirrors unusually high solar activity over the same time period.  CO2 does not have an effect on solar activity.  Wake up, kids!

  4. Everyone talks about it, but no one cares to do something about it! Enough of talking now, we got to do something about this. Talking about it won't do anything good.

  5. Where I live the climate is actually cooler. How can I help produce more global warming? Before it was sometimes 120 degrees. Now it is like a tropical paradise.

  6. lovely sauna in h**l......

  7. i think its pathetic...plain crappy that WE are the cause of our own death ...later on

  8. Do now think later is the aproach to it and its costing us too much money! Prove us skeptics wrong in a debate then start doing your multi trillion dollar schemes to try and prevent an unpredictable disaster that your not even sure would happen

  9. Global warming and cooling are natural cycles which man can do nothing to alter one way or another.

    The 'Theory' of man-made global warming has nothing to do with any science whatsoever, and should be left in 'Academia Land' where it belongs!

    Enjoy the fact that we are currently living in a rather mild climatic time since you certainly will not like the alternative which is another 'Ice Age'!

    This could happen in a much shorter period of time since it would only require another major volcanic eruption to s***w everything up, and is far more likely than any further gradual temperature increases which may(or may not) occur in the future.

  10. Here's what u can say: You sir are a racist melon farmer.

  11. it's neither hot nor cool..

  12. we need to stop it and if its jus a natural role that the earth is taking then we can at least slow it down

  13. I'm more worried about the next ice age and man-bear-pig

  14. I Love Global Warming ... its great ... i drive a hummer ... its a beast luckily i got money for gas haha...

  15. I think it is when the earth gets hot. Im not sure but I learn about disasters at our school and at firsti dont know too but the teachers says it means when the earth gets really hot. I hope this answers your question!

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