
What can ward off demons?

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What can ward off demons?




  1. I believe salt can be placed along doors and windows to help ward off demons.

  2. Febreze...ahahahahahaha....sur beats what I'z gonna say

  3. try using sage and oils. burn the sage around your house and sprinkle oils at your doors and windows. repeat a prayer while doing this.

  4. In al videos about exorcisms ive ever seen, the demons are very afraind of crosses, bibles, getting splashed with Hoyl water, and the mere mention of God. ANd call on Christ to command away the demons. Those are what the exorcists always do. THey also tend to ask the demon its name like Jesus did.

  5. "micheal Jackson's song thriller, it makes them cringe" sorry but that was hilarious. salt doesn't ward off many demons basically keep a strong positive attitude and will, also don't be fear full.

    if you already have plenty of activity around that your trying to get rid of that is a different question(exorcisms if you can convince them, or get someone into santeria to bless your house.). and btw holy water and bibles are jokes(ineffective) sorry to those who might be offended idk why they are told this. also the complete denial/ignorance of them does banish them.

  6. a relationship with god and prayer

  7. In the name of Jehovah and by the blood of Jesus The Christ I banish you from my life my family my home and my friends forever... Return to the paranormal zone. Never to seek out or to harm another human being again........ Be-gone from here and  never to return  to this realm again............... Laugh if you must but this works only if you are a believer in the existences of God and Jesus.....

  8. Febreze

  9. Well if you dont believe in God. NOTHING! your skrewed. LOL LOL LOL

  10. I've heard of ppl spreading salts around the proximity of their house to ward off evil spirit.

  11. A solid realtionship with God!

  12. micheal jacksons song thriller, it makes them cringe

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