
What can we as humans do to prevent Global warming?

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What can we as humans do to prevent Global warming?




  1. Stop generating heat on the surface of the planet. There is nothing natural about the heat we are generating on the surface of the planet with each new building.

    The global warming issue is argued because of the science is lacking critical information. Why are we worried about heat trapping gases atmospherically when we are generating heat on the surface of the planet that is close to boiling temperature? If you want to do an experiment to simulate it, superheat your indoor atmosphere with 200 degree F heaters. What lives in that kind of heat and how are the plants doing?

    Did you know that all of the sciences taught by academia are blind to the temperatures they design for? Hard to imagine that every building is signed off without ever being verified and that California is knocked off the electrical grid treating the symptoms of solar radiation. Go to and see what has been missing.

    Humans can paint the exterior of their homes with low-e finishes so the building doesn't generate heat it isn't designed for. Trees, shade and functional landscaping will keep the heat from being generated at all and can eliminiate the need for air conditioning.

    If you are using air conditioning in your home, understand it is in fact refrigeration. You are in effect leaving the fridge door open to treat the heat indoors.

    There is lots we can do and your group answering is right. Global warming is one aspect of the problem, the pollution associated with what we do is killing our own babies.

    Go to and scroll down to the picture of the fetus. You can link to the 80+ page study on polluted newborns before they take their first breath. The little guys don't have an immune system to protect themselves. The toxicity ratio is 100%

  2. It is a scam look at those pushing GW and see who is making lots of money.

  3. these are my three r's




    hope they help you

  4. 1. Reduce

    2. Reuse

    3. Recycle

    4. Walk, bus, or carpool when possible

    5. If you are going to buy a vehicle buy the more efficient ones.

    6. Insulate and seal your homes

    7. If building new use green building practices. I suggest in ground homes as they stay a stable 56 degree and need no cooling only a small amount of heating.

    8. CFL's or LED, or natural lighting from opening the shades installing skylights, etc.

    9. Travel less especially by plane

    10. Vote green and solicit elected officials to create green laws.

    11. Compost

    12. Use totes

    13. Buy local

    14. Use hemp instead of cotton and trees. It grows more prolific and requires no pesticides

    15. Support environmental charities. These groups do tremendous good that citizens cannot do as individuals.

    16. Go vegan

    17. Plant trees, bushes, and flowers

    18. Garden your own food

    19. Turn down your water heater as well as wrap it or get a tankless model.

    20. Turn down your heat and where more clothing in the winter. I actually reduced my heating by over ten degrees.

    21. Enjoy and appreciate nature. Remember what it is we are fighting to protect.

  5. not be so G********d wasteful!!  recycling, hybrid technology, ethanol are not the solution - they require a lot of input to create and still produce waste. conservation and resourcefulness is the answer.

    "global warming" is one thing, pollution is another.

  6. Build a large enclosure.  Mechanically remove the heat from the air inside.  Enjoy.  Around here, we call it air conditioning!

    Man can do no more to affect a natural, global cycle.

  7. buy a bottle of suntan lotion

  8. Nothing, it's inevitable, get ready.

  9. Hate to break it to you --- but nothing! Even the GW scientists say we would need to reduce CO2 by more than 70% to achieve temperature equilibrium. So your riding a bycycle, changing light bulbs, not washing clothes, walking instead of driving etc etc ------- has NO EFFECT!

    Notice that the writer even admits the numbers are impossible or EXTREMELY difficult to achieve globally-- then offers a long winded "solution" which is also unworkable!

  10. Nothing.  It is a natural cycle of the earth.  Don't believe the propaganda.

  11. use less electricity,

    thats the best way.


  12. these steps should be taken to fight global warming:

    *Look for energy qualified products

    *Heating cooling conditioners should be tuned well once a year.

    *Seal n insulate ur home.

    *Reduce n reuse n recycle every thing u use.

    *Grow more plants.

    *Use water efficiently.

    *Use ur personal vehicle as less as possible n when u cant walk, train or buss can be best options as u can imagine- 50 persons driving their personal cars would emit more polluting gases n waste more fuel than a single bus carrying them.

    *Maintain ur vehicles well so that they stay fuel efficient.

    All u need to do is to spread this message to everyone u possibly can.

    through mails, seminars, sms, etc:)


    save the planet - save your money

    the MAIN thing you can do.. is not have more than 1 kid.. even 1 is growth.. so have none is better

    read the link for tips that help YOU and mother earth.

  14. You could turn off your computer.

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