
What can we consumers do to retaliate against the skyrocketing cost of fuel?

by  |  earlier

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Relying on the government and big business is useless. If it's true that it's a question of supply and demand, we can't do much about the supply because our leaders do nothing but bicker. We surely can do something about demand. I believe it's already catching on. For my part I drive only when neccessary. I used to drive 5-10 miles over the speed limit. I now drive at speed limit. I minimize use of my A/C. I started eating left overs. I removed the cab in my truck to reduce weight thereby saving gas. I cancelled my scheduled long trips for this year. Got rid of the ATVs. I know it's tough but I minimized buying products produced by gas hog countries like China.These may not be much but I hope I'm contributing for the cause. Get used to it people, it's a different lifestyle from now on. No more me,me,me or I, I ,I unless you can afford it.




  1. I think we're all lining up towards a common realization.  The best thing we can all do as consumers is find an alternative for getting where we need to go.

    You know?  It's not a renewable resource so no matter how many holes we drill we're going to keep coming back to this point.  Supply/Demand - so as consumers the best thing is to simply stop demanding it.

    Ouch - this transition is going to be rather painful for some!  But if 99% of the people out there just stopped driving altogether - or even just stopped commuting by auto - our food prices would go down - there'd be fuel for the shipping and freight - and our air would be cleaner too.  Wow.  What a utopia!

  2. i HATE gas prices!!!!!! Those sob in the middle east that produce oil are getting richer by the millisecond with billions in profit. NOT fair!!! Oil producing countries paid $0.17-$0.25 per gallon of gas because they set their own prices and they have like a  million oil fields in their backyard.

  3. "Gas hog countries like China"?  China doesn't hold a candle to us in that department. We are the gas hogs.  The average Chinese person doesn't have a big pick up truck, ATVs, Boats, Jet skis, etc.

    What can you do?  Get on the horn to your Senators and Congressman and let them know if we had been drilling in ANWR 10 years ago, we'd have a million more barrels a day added to our domestic supply.  Tell them to open up ANWR, the coasts, and anywhere else oil is, to increase our domestic supply.  Same with refineries!

    You can also make sure your next vehicle is a fuel efficient one.

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