
What can we do? Fact USA is only country in the WORLD, NOT entitled to any vacation or holidays.?

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Why is this? and what can we do? please see link..

3rd world countries get more time of than we do even if we get a whole 3 weeks of we are falling short of most countries... USA works harder than the Mexicans...




  1. Sigh.

    You do not need a law guaranteeing you vacation. Every company hasa vacation policy. When you are offered a job, you are told the vacation policy. If you dont like it, dont take the job.

  2. That is the price you pay for capitalism, Duncan. Some people work while they are on vacation or don't even take their vacation days. Saving the companies they work for millions of dollars.

  3. 1) You can run your own business and take/give all the vacation you want.

    2) You can work hard, be the best employee so your employer wants to give you  vacation

    3) You can work for the millions of business that give vacation.

    4) Thank god you are in a free country where the government doesn't tell you what to do.

    We are the super power because we work hard, not because we have socialist polices. Maybe 3rd world countries should be less interested in vacation and more interested in NOT being 3rd world.

  4. I guess this is why we have higher income per capita than most of those other countries.  It is a great temptation to expect entitlements.  However, entitlements (as great as they may be) aren't what made this country strong.  Of course, there are many U.S. citizens that choose to move to other countries so they can take advantage of those additional entitlements.  Have you considered that?

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