
What can we do about these children ?

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I think I remember her kicking him out loads of times you used to here the mum screaming at him and then see him walking up the street with bin bags so he must of finally had enought and left, you see him with the kids every so often but he seems like he has difficulties his self, if you know what I mean.

I caught them having an argument in the front street once and you should of heard what he was saying to her and the laguage she was using towards him, he then spat at her and put the keys down the drain




  1. social service should put those manaics in a mental place or something

  2. call the cops and ask them not us if someone gives you a bad anwser and you do itthat could turn for the worst

  3. call the police and report them as an anti social behavear problem

    contact your local social services,as ,mascerading as an officer has severe implications,then try your local counciler,there are things they can do to greese the wheels of law.

    hope it gets sorted for you asap

  4. i would still ring the police as they speak to  the Mum with a bit of luck, also call the Social services, and council if they live in a council/.housing assc home. good luck

  5. Absolutely, call social services!  I would call the police too the next time they are vandalizing property and trespassing.  The police will get social services moving if they are called enough.

    What an aweful thing to deal with in your neighborhood - makes me appreciate my neighbors even more!

    Hope you get some resolve!

  6. Yes, you need to report this ASAP. They will most likely give a warning to the parents to control the children and will monitor their actions. Don't report this yourself though - take along the people who these boys have caused damage to..then only will your case be stronger.

    Good Luck x

  7. i fell asleep halfway through this personal rant!

    who cares?

    I am not a gambling person, but, I bet you DON'T see when someone gets mugged,  burgled or car vandalised??

    do gooders with nowt better to do! police are sorting our real bad boys, not 6 yr old ones, and  catching murderers.

  8. report them to the police, and social services. Tell them you want an ASBO on the kids, and a restraining order on them. Tell them the mother has no control, and ask that the kids are taken into care. Keep having a go at the police and the social, because they probably won't do anything at first, but if you keep phoning them up, they'll sort it out.

  9. Keep ringing the police every single time they get up to this stuff, this is BS that the mother does nothing at all, so ring children's services as well, and keep on ringing them, this has to stop.  Good Luck I hope the authorities do something to help

  10. Wow.  This sounds like a nightmare.  I'd be PISSED if some little punks were destroying my stuff.  There are several different ways to deal with this:

    You could call the police.  

    You could get all the fed up neighbors together and write a written complaint and take it to the police station.

    You could get the boys on video tape destroying people's property and take it to the police station.

    You could also take a video recorder to the mother's house and get on tape how uncooperative and combative she really is.

    You could call social services and report the loser mom.

    You could also get a pair of boxing gloves and go duke it out mother.

    I would not put up with that c**p.  At all.  It's truly amazing how a couple of kids can destroy the morale in a neighborhood, and even more amazing how their mother doesn't seem to give a shite at all.

    And to the posters who said you should 'butt out' and let the police chase 'murderers and criminals', I'd bet the farm they wouldn't be saying that if it was their property that was being destroyed.

    Good luck with these punks and their loser mom.  I hope you can get some resolution and peace eventually.

  11. I would move! sounds like Beirut!!

  12. You should bring in all the agencies you can on this.

    The police, Social Services, the landlord and if the local authority isn't the landlord, the local authority too. Also services like the NSPCC if you live in the UK might be able to help.

    Also try to talk to your other neighbours. It looks like you might all be able to give each other some comfort and support. Don't give up until it is sorted.

    Try not to involve yourself in disputes as clearly with parents like that you are not going to get anywhere, but also don't ignore it.

    Keep a diary of incidents and encourage your neighbours to do the same. If you can do it discreetly try to photograph or video incidents too.

    I hope you manage to sort it out. Good luck and remember, they are just sad inadequate people. That doesn't mean they can just carry on making everyone else’s life a misery, but if you can feel sympathy rather than anger it might help you cope with it.  

  13. keep records of all the stuff they do.

    date, time and any other kids involved

    take pictures if you can

    keep going to the police. they are causing criminal damage.

    they need to be with decent parents, who entertain them and teach them right from wrong

  14. Call the police on them.  Tell your neighbors what you plan to do, and encourage them to do the same.  Have the police interview the neighbors who had similar experiences with the children.  They are destroying property, running around unsupervised, and their mother won't do anything to control them.  Perhaps a visit from a police officer will change their tune.  Good luck.

  15. They are not just 'kids being kids' as many above posters have said. They are terrorising their neighbours. If they were older they would be given ASBO'S or arrested.

    If the house they are living in is a council haouse then i would suggest you report them (the whole family) to the council for anti-social behaviour. For that, they could be evicted. If you got a petition it would make your case even stronger, as would obtaining police reports.

    Unfortunately there's not much social services can do unless the children are being abused or neglected in some way.

    You could however call the police and record every anti-social incident that you witness.

    This sort of behaviour is not acceptable, and you should not have to live in fear in your own neighbour hood.

  16. Sorry i have to agree with another poster ...What will YOU gain about calliung the police or social services on them they are children playing and the poilce will do what ?

    Talk to the mother about this not the police or social services, they are there for abused children or neglected not some 'kids' doing what most kids this age do

  17. This is a common nightmare, I experienced very similar. The scatter gun approach is required, visit "respect" website, Govt website to tackle Anti Social Behaviour, visit your councillors surgery to describe events, try and get the other victims to ring, police, council, community safety unit, keep a diary of when and what happened.

    Social Services won't in my experience be anything but hostile but worth a go.

    Parents are responsible for their childrens behaviour they can be sent to parenting classes to learn how to control ofdfspring a range of orders can be issues including parenting orders to force the unwilling to take action. The Housing provider if rented should also be contacted to warn of eviction  if they don't shape up. I genuinely wish you every success with this, you wont get a result overnight but unless tackled it will just get worse, hope this helps

  18. I'd ring social services if I were you, I don't think an ASBO would do much to them, and I'm not sure if kids can get them.

    Social should do something about them, I dont know what to do if they won't do anything. The police?

  19. Phone the police and chat to them.  In our area we do have a department just for this kind of thing, although I can't remember the term.  It's a policeman/woman specially for unruly kids.

    And can I say - you'll be doing those kids a favour.  I've seen so many children who were once unruly now totally out of control and having to be put into care.  

    Where is the father?  

  20. This is awful.i dont care what age they are,these delinquents should be locked up and throw away the key before they do something serious.Today its petty vandalism but what next?where will these yobs stop?They wont be happy til they've killed and maimed your need to address this

  21. You can report them to the local council. It doesn't matter if they are a council tennant or not , they are being anti-social and abusive. You could also get your neighbourhood police involved as having police to back you up will go in your favour if you report them to the council. To be honest social services won't do much in regards of the kids. They are more than likely to give them rewards for being little shites.A sad but true fact.

  22. Report them to yr local council. They are dirty scumbags as is their mother by the sound of it.

  23. Keep calling the police and then will be gone soon.  

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