
What can we do about these crazy preachers that have been plaguing both McCain and Obama with their hate mes--

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ages? Jesus preached about love and thousands of our preachers talk mainly about hate!!




  1. Stop thier Tax Free statue ..When you take money from the  most vunerable, you should not qualify for your support via your taxes..[ i'm mostly talking about the ones i see on T.V. at 3am when i'm stoned ] I thought that if you supported one candidate or another you could not use the pulpit to say a congration should vote for one or the other ? When I say your money . I mean I don't pay tax in America {excuse paying for the Iraq war]  as i'm Australian.

  2. Ignore them - don't fund them - and never join their church.

  3. Don't ignore them!  Punish them in whatever way is legal, ethical, and enlighten as many people as possible to the hate that they spread and how they and their thinking need to be squashed like tent caterpillars in your trees.  

    Will Obama's children grow up to hate?  That seems to be what is taught there/

    America needs to step up to the plate and enforce those hate speech laws the Clinton administration enacted.  Their church's should not be used to preach ideology, politics, and to teach children to hate.     Christian churches preach the love and experiences written in the Bible.

  4. Nothing; they have a right to express their views and we have a right to laugh at them.

  5. Some of those preachers are saying the same thing many other people are saying, behind close doors and "at the kitchen table". Preachers are not perfect, they are only human. You have to pray for them too, and just check the scriptures for yourself! Also, everything in the bible is not "nice and sweet" just to make one feel good about themselves! Jesus told the truth, to the point where it hurts! And his children will be fine; as long as they have a good foundation at home, they will be no more affected from that then from what they may hear outside the church and in some history books about our beloved and perfect countries history!

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