
What can we do during Ramadan to help end world hunger?

by Guest59486  |  earlier

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I know for the next month we will all be feeling a little hungry and thirsty, but luckily for us, we get to drink a big glass of water and have a hearty meal after the sun goes down. In far too many corners of the world, people do not have this luxury. For some of us, starvation is camping in our back yard. What are some ways that we as average people can help end this unnecessary condition? I have been playing at, and donate a little bit to UNICEF, but I am not sure how much of the money actually goes to people in need. Do you know of any honest charity organizations? Thanks in advance for your answers.




  1. The only way i kno of honest chrity if u go see them ur self and giv it to them, or if u kno someone close that is collecting money and going to a poor country to give charity straight into the poor's hands.

    but then again there are poor poeple all around us, here in central london i see poor individuals sitting in the underground, streets and they are more than greatfull wen someone drops off money for them and i've seen a person give one a newly bought sandwich and he took it gracfully... if you see a poor person on the ground covered in dirt, old clothes, no energy, not shaved in days(if man)..., do not ignore... give..

    wat i also feel thats helpfull is giving charity clothes to local charity like st lukes hospice charity stores... and also give blood to save another's life.


  2. give sadaka in the mousque, they send it to the hungry and poor.

  3. i would say start feeding the people around u first and start spreading the word for feeding the poor.  

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