
What can we do for a pastors' wife birthday?

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What can we do for a pastors' wife birthday?




  1. Hire the pastor as waiter to serve at the wives' birthday dinner.have a menu written up in a 'gospel' theme. =)

    It probably sounds lame but I believe it'll be a pretty awesome party.

  2. Arrange for her to have an audience with the Queen of England.

  3. a nice tea or a ladies brunch, if you want the whole congregation involved, cake and coffee after service, or a dinner at the church hall catered by the congregation, with a cake, maybe surprise her, if she is elderly, a card shower is always nice............have a good time

  4. To which royal house does the pastors wife belong?

  5. Sleep with her.

  6. I don't think grown-ups need birthday parties.

  7. If she likes sports take her to a Baseball game. Or if there is a fair or summer fest around your area. If not going out to dinner is always nice. Do you have a Benihana`s  in your area? They cook your food and give you a show at the same time. Well happy birthday to her and good luck. I hope I helped.

  8. Throw her a party?

  9. I wonder if perhaps she would think it adeqaute if you maybe gave her a tete a tete (adult tea party). You Americans have the least bit of recognition for an appropriate event. Come to Surrey in England. We'll make you all cultured.

  10. Present her with flowers at church and give her a gift card to a women's clothing store.

    Being that sometimes pastors get most of the attention and don't have the best budget to give their wife a lot of clothes.  It would be a great idea! ((we did something similar last month))

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