
What can we do for her?(best friend moving away?)?

by Guest11111  |  earlier

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My friends parents are divorsing and there is a 50/50 chance she's moving to Arkansas!! My friend and I are so a like shes like my twin! Her,our other bestfriend,and I are nicknamed the '3 amigas'. We do EVERYTHING together! Me and this other friend are shocked that she might just be moving away. I was thinking of asking my friend if she wanted to make a something special from just us. What could we make??? We already have bestfriend necklaces. Its not official if she is but so far it sounds like she is moving to Arkansas instead of staying. So, What can you make or do that is special?? Help please, we don't know how long we have until she moves or anything.




  1. Do a good bye party before she leaves. Tell her to come over and then have a fun party and make it memorable and then do a sleepover togethr. Good luck :)

  2. Geez, I am very sorry for your friend's divorce problem.  You could make a photo album of the memories she had in good times.

  3. you guys can do a scrap book for each of you.

  4. ive been through this. my 2 best friends moved when i was really young. one  has moved once, and my other firned has moved 9 times.

    take lots of pictures make a photo album or a scrapbook. make a video and send it to her of you guys. or make a video and have music on it.

    write a poem. simple things are the best. promise her that no matter where she leaves that you guys will always be friends.

    trust me ive been through this. i cried for days because her and me were inseprable. but now she bearly talks to me. but just make sure you guys see each other all the time. call each other.

    or give her a bag full of the inside jokes you guys had together like you each make a bag of inside jokes and things that would make her never forget her get a picture album. then from the two of you give ur friend thats moving a scrapbook

    trust me, if you do something like this,

    theres NO way she could froget you.

  5. GO PAINTBALLING!!! YIPEEEEEEEEE =).. seriously u'll hv a blast, or whatever just do sumthing fun that u'll never forget ^______^ !! n remember to take pics

  6. Okay, I have an idea.  You make her a box that says "don't open until so-and-so date."  (A couple months in advance.)  Inside of that box is either like a scrapbook or some amazing gift (picture frame?) that she will remember you by.  Hope this helps!

    - Akipper96

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